Big, Ugly Sack

I see that huge, bungling sack I’ve been dragging along behind me.  I noticed it right after that last battle.  The battle I fought to travel 3000 miles to see a dying friend.  It was a loud, bloody, angry battle of fear, but, thankfully, an Angel with armor and a spear came to fight for me.  His presence reminded me of the great importance of this journey and prompted me to choose a forward march rather than retreat in the face of fear.  However, even after that battle was over I was vaguely aware there was more to the skirmish than met the eye.  I might not understand all the meaning until later.  And so pieces of Wisdom keep floating to the surface of my life and becoming unwrapped before my eyes.  Now here’s this. Continue reading Big, Ugly Sack



no fears lurking

Sitting at home, safe & sound, didn’t prepare me for a journey into the unknown.  And the fears lurking out there on that journey could only be addressed as I met them.

One at a time, I had to continue to choose the journey and plow on through.  Each time discovering that fear has no power, except to lie to me.  And when I believed its lies, I stopped going forward.  I pulled back and stayed behind and became enslaved by my choice to fear. Continue reading FEARS LURKING ON A JOURNEY