The Mirror

self mirror


I’m fascinated by the mirror.

And I stare in horror watching my wounds bleed while tears flow down my face.  I am freshly broken and shocked by the sight which hypnotizes and envelopes me.

Come!  Look and see this sight!  Share my appalled captivation and stand beside me to watch.

Do you see my wounds and the bleeding?  Can you feel my horrible pain?  And do you understand the depth of my horror?  Or should I show them to you more clearly and ask you to pause and hear my story? Continue reading The Mirror

The Comedy of My Learning

Lots of my friends are leaving Facebook and I’ve been reading their reasons.  One concern is about intellectual property rights and whether material we post on Facebook belongs to us or them. As a writer, that leaves enough question in the air to make me uncomfortable.  Yes, I write freely for everyone to read, but that shouldn’t make it someone else’s property. Continue reading The Comedy of My Learning

Healing With Liquid Gold

And He said,

“Let me elaborate.”  To which my heart sighed in relief because I couldn’t understand alone.

“When you realized there was a hole, so to speak, in your husband’s armor, you saw a small piece of damage which left an open door to sickness.  It was there because of a previous situation in his life; one from his childhood; one he doesn’t remember.  Ministries have risen and died over this problem and the search for its solution. Great amounts of money have been poured into these holes and the resolutions have often been minor, at best.  You have witnessed this and wondered at the millions of souls chasing healing for wounds that don’t heal simply.  And yet, the solution is rather simple.  Come let me show you.” Continue reading Healing With Liquid Gold