Category Archives: heaven on earth




Your Seat next to Jesus is the ultimate relaxation place no matter what is going on in life.  It’s also where you can ask Him questions and He’ll answer you.  He’ll teach you stuff like how to change things and get things accomplished in your kingdom.  It’s an amazing place if you know how to get there.

And getting there is just too simple.  No harder than staring out the window and daydreaming.  But because you might think that something simple can’t be real,  I challenge you to try it and test Him.  See if it is true.  Do it several times until He erases the doubt from your mind. Continue reading HOW TO SIT IN YOUR SEAT NEXT TO JESUS


That was the label I heard from Father when I asked about his feelings on the subject of Halloween.  He said it with a wry grin and then my morning of learning began.

Within this period of learning how to administer the Earth as a Son (Daughter) of God,  I was struck this morning with the advent of Halloween and what my position should be.  I didn’t know.  Eek!

Father insinuated that it was an impending storm, but he did it with that knowing grin and asked me how I had learned to deal with storms.

So I dragged out everything I’ve learned about handling storms. Continue reading THE IMPENDING STORM OF HALLOWEEN


For several weeks . . . no, its been several years, Father has given me gleaming diamonds of insight into this issue using visions.

It all began with visions of a house.  I thought I was having fun imagining my dream home.  I didn’t know that Holy Spirit could hijack my ‘imaginer’ if I let him.  It’s an amazing experience.  But that’s for another blog article.

One of those early visions involved a staircase that would cost hundreds of stairs-932805_640thousands of dollars to build. Continue reading VISIONS OF FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE

“The Kingdom of Heaven at ROSE ROCK” by Faith Living.

Coming Soon!

This is ‘slightly in the future’ fiction about a homeless father and young son – invited by an Angel to step into ROSE ROCK, a community operating in ‘heaven on earth’ dynamics of supernatural proportions.

Estimated publish date after the 1st of the year 2016!


Riding the Blood Red Horse






I had a vision of riding a horse at breakneck speed as it galloped along the edge of a cliff without touching the ground. It was made from the blood of God and I was covered from head to toe in that blood which made holding my seat on his back very tricky. I’d slip and slide and nearly fell off several times. But gradually I learned the




rhythm and learned how to hold on so I could ride with this amazing horse as it flew into the future. On and on it went without end. When I asked Father God how long this would continue, he only said “Well, forever, or if you prefer, I will let you know if it will change”

I learned that this was a picture of how my life would be from here on out. And I can witness that it is true. Nothing about my life is normal anymore. I exist in the miraculous all the time, constantly flying above the ground. Continue reading Riding the Blood Red Horse

This Side of Heaven

“We won’t know all the answers this side of heaven” is ‘the phrase’ I’ve received all my life in answer to many of my questions.  As a child, I concluded that no one had permission to ask questions.  Questions about life received short, pert sentences that inferred threat if this line of communication was pursued.  Questions about christianity were worse.  They received ‘the phrase’.

I reasoned that everything about christianity was secret and guarded by a God with a mean countenance, grouching out severe warnings about never asking again.

Today children question parents and receive an almost break-neck effort to supply answers, or at least tools to search.  Fear of questioning seems gone and thank God it is, because quite often my generation is still delivering ‘the phrase’. Continue reading This Side of Heaven


We just finished a week-long family event at our home. Almost 30 people from several states came and enjoyed being together. It was wonderful.

And it was a trial, although not for all the obvious reasons, save for one: religion. My family was raised Pentecostal/Charismatic and we all shared similar doctrines for most our lives. Then about 2-3 years ago, I began learning new things and my doctrines began changing.

I stepped out of the lines and did things like, umm, reading outside the usual doctrinal stuff. I read “Pagan Christianity,” by Frank Viola and George Barna. This book was one of the first to rock my status quo, and then it was “Raptureless,” by Jonathan Welton. Of course, there were many other authors in the mix like Maria Maddalena de Pazzi; hers was some rather obscure but enlightening material. Continue reading SET MY BROTHER FREE part II


Kings and queens will serve you and care for all your needs. They will bow to the earth before you and lick the dust from your feet. Then you will know that I am the LORD. Those who trust in me will never be put to shame.” (Isaiah 49:23)

This verse prompted me to say it out loud several times over the course of a couple of days period.  Then I saw it differently than I’ve ever seen it before. Continue reading KINGS WILL SERVE YOU!

Eyes that Percieve Darkness?

In the last few days I’ve noticed posts despondent about the darkness, and prayers begging Light to rise up and win. The feeling is that these writers have taken a huge uppercut to the jaw of their faith.  In asking Father to bring judgment to this issue, their battlefield then moved into the courtroom. While praying for Light to overcome the darkness, new avenues of freedom opened up for their opponent. None of this looked like victory and appeared to be a terrible defeat. Their hearts were broken and their faith was wounded but they continued down the same path. They see their prayers bounce off the ceiling bringing opposite results but still they hold on and pray even louder and longer.
Even though the answer to their prayers are happening right before their eyes, they don’t see it.  As they proclaim the death of darkness and the advance of the Kingdom – it comes, but they would only perceive it if they took the glass they are looking through and flip it 180 degrees.

Continue reading Eyes that Percieve Darkness?


I’m seeing a shift in this new era.  It’s a shift into a new level of maturity.  Instructions are coming from the Father of Lights into each of our spirits and it’s speaking of a new level in the Power of Love.

I see all the ages of Man as steps of maturity after our Fall.  We lost our Spirit connection and became reduced to mere flesh.  But through the processes of time and Father’s careful guidance from baby to toddler, to adolescent, we came into youth and finally adulthood.  At adulthood we reach new freedoms and new authorities, but we also reach greater responsibility. Continue reading SHIFT!!!