

This is so, so amazingly easy! I’ve worked hard at jobs, at home, at relationships, at conversations . . . at almost everything. And I’ve thought that maybe I don’t know how to relax because I sit down and think of a million things to do.

Even at vacation, I squeeze in too much.

So, I was thinking I have a problem . . . until today when I realized that my relaxation is simply my time with God.

Some people think that is difficult and are surprised. They ask, “How do you do it?” And I say, “Do what?”  Then they ask, “How do you know so much about God?” And I stare back because I don’t understand why they think it’s so hard.

Today, I found a way to compare it to a universal activity everyone knows. A puppy. When we look at a puppy, it’s impossible not to adore him.  Those sweet eyes and soft fur . . . well, in a moment we melt under those wet kisses and slide to the floor in positions we would normally consider embarrassing. But not when there’s a puppy.

That is how hard it is to spend time with God. That is how hard it is to learn about Him.  When I think about sitting with Him . . . ahh, it’s better than a chaise lounge on the beach with an umbrella and raspberry ice tea. But it’s more.  Usually, within a few minutes He says something or shows me something in a way that is wonderfully thrilling, and I am full of happiness.

There was a time when He first started spilling this wonderful-ness into our time together, and the overwhelming excitement became too much.  It began to hurt; to feel like I would virtually explode. And I had to ask Him to stop. Just for a moment. I couldn’t contain it.

Then He smiled and told me to stop holding it inside. That was the key; to let it out. To write it, sing it, talk about it. But not hold it inside. We can’t bear it. He’s more Joy than we’ve ever known as human beings. And when we let it flow thru us like a river, it works. But if we dam a river, it needs an outlet.

So, once I began letting it flow, I could keep filling. It’s that simple.

I heard a sincere gentleman talking about the Bible the other day and he was saying some super deep stuff about revelations. After a while, I had to stop listening.  It was exhausting and . . . frankly, no fun.  Please know that I don’t think it’s wrong to study deeply. Maybe it was thrilling for him. And that’s great. But God has told me some pretty awesome, deep revelations too. And, it was so much easier on me to get them directly from Him.  He never makes it hard work for me.

He knows my level of understanding, exactly, and knows how to communicate with me in a way that I can “get it” immediately.

But when I try to explain the things God has told me, it sometimes seems hard for others to understand – just like things this man was talking about seemed hard to me.

We are unique.  And He knows exactly how our uniqueness works.  After all, He created it.

Jesus said “my yoke is easy and my burden, light” and if it seems hard to you, then it’s time to step into the river. It’s wonderful there. You can stay as long as you want. It won’t cost you a thing – He already paid the price. And when you’re ready . . . He’ll tell you something you never knew.  And He’ll say it in a way that you will understand easily. Watch out! It will be wonderful!