Tag Archives: angels


ghosts-572038_960_720I was reminded today about the time I began inviting the Heavenly Host and the cloud of witnesses into my home.  It wasn’t something my husband and I discussed.  It was just something I did on a whim one day as I was visiting with Father, and contemplating the spirit realm.

Dark shapes and spooky movements have been evident now and then all my life.  They gave me creepy feelings and I hated to get out of bed at night.  I’ve done the rebuking thing and the commanding thing.  It works, but eventually there is movement again. Continue reading SPOOKY SHADOWS IN THE HOUSE

“The Kingdom of Heaven at ROSE ROCK” by Faith Living.

Coming Soon!

This is ‘slightly in the future’ fiction about a homeless father and young son – invited by an Angel to step into ROSE ROCK, a community operating in ‘heaven on earth’ dynamics of supernatural proportions.

Estimated publish date after the 1st of the year 2016!


Riding the Blood Red Horse






I had a vision of riding a horse at breakneck speed as it galloped along the edge of a cliff without touching the ground. It was made from the blood of God and I was covered from head to toe in that blood which made holding my seat on his back very tricky. I’d slip and slide and nearly fell off several times. But gradually I learned the




rhythm and learned how to hold on so I could ride with this amazing horse as it flew into the future. On and on it went without end. When I asked Father God how long this would continue, he only said “Well, forever, or if you prefer, I will let you know if it will change”

I learned that this was a picture of how my life would be from here on out. And I can witness that it is true. Nothing about my life is normal anymore. I exist in the miraculous all the time, constantly flying above the ground. Continue reading Riding the Blood Red Horse

The Pink Light and Bubblegum Angel

I’m amazed at Heaven’s perfect prescriptions for whatever ails us here on Earth.  But even as I’m amazed I’m also beginning to understand this dynamic is the one that will bring Heaven into Earth through us because it creates a new kind of reliance; the perfect remedy every time we call.  Perfect answers will then become a habit, a natural response in a natural relationship.  Just as we pick up a fork to eat, we tap the resource to bring our answer. Continue reading The Pink Light and Bubblegum Angel