Tag Archives: book

MY KINGDOM – book now available

Welcome to MY KINGDOM, the 2nd book in the series “Learning to Live From The Kingdom”!

Available on Amazon and Kindle. (click here for Kindle)



In this new era, we talk a lot about the Kingdom arriving or having already arrived and how we can live FROM it.  For me, that existence began with MY SEAT, which is the 1st book in this series.

Then Jesus introduced me to my realm of influence which He called My Kingdom.

That doesn’t mean I have built myself a kingdom because I want to be like God. It is simply the people and situations closely associated with me on Earth.  I didn’t know it before, but they comprise The Kingdom of God that lives within me.  And it’s because I hold them in my heart and they have the most personal significance for me. Continue reading MY KINGDOM – book now available



When I sit at my desk, I can see a rocky cliff out my window.  It faces east and reflects the morning sun, making the rocks glow.

We moved here last year after I’d written Rose Rock, and I was amazed at how close this landscape is to the one I see in the story.  It was as if Rose Rock had a life of its own and was choosing to live out loud in my life.

But that’s the way it went, writing this story.  Rose Rock was born in one day and then evolved as it came to life one page at a time on Facebook as an experiment.  Father asked me to write down what I saw in my heart.  It was a description of what the Kingdom of God might look like on Earth.  How would it be different from my regular day-to-day living as it is right now? Continue reading EXCERPT FROM ROSE ROCK (The Foreword)