Tag Archives: identity




It’s hard to be rejected. It’s probably one of the cruelest things we do to each other. And Christianity has embraced Rejection just as much as the rest of the world. They even call it a godly tool and have classes to show us how to reject someone “lovingly”.In a world where children are bullied and rejected in school, why do we, the Peacemakers, embrace the very behavior we hate?

It’s a great example of calling evil, good. And finding justification in causing pain. After all, if my church says it’s a necessary and godly tool, then I should do it. Plus, they said “shake the dust” off my feet.
My, how eager we are to justify our cruelty even though Jesus never gave us that justification. He never rejected anyone. Continue reading ITS HARD TO BE REJECTED

IDENTITY – Chapter 21 from MY SEAT (Read Here – Free)

My Seat

(MY SEAT – 1st book in the “Learning to Live From The Kingdom” series)
Chapter 21 – Identity


Our actual and real Identity may not be anything similar to who we see ourselves as right now. We can be completely wrong in our self-image and while we are wrong we won’t experience the life that Father God intended for us.

So, how can we be completely wrong? Because the real you and the real me was created the moment God envisioned us. He created every detail, every character trait, and every nuance of your personality and mine. And it was good.

At that moment there was nothing about us that was off-whack, twisted, broken or damaged. We were perfect. Continue reading IDENTITY – Chapter 21 from MY SEAT (Read Here – Free)


Rejection&Identity2 Kindle

(an excerpt from the book)

Are there people who simply can’t see Father, can’t access their Identity, and can’t hear His voice?

I want to reply with a solid “no” and say that it’s not because they can’t … it’s because they can’t right now.

That might not sound very compassionate of me. I understand their struggle, I’ve been there, but I don’t accept the barrier because as I found, there is actually nothing there. It’s a mirage produced by misunderstanding because nothing can separate us from God. He said that. Continue reading ACHIEVING IDENTITY


Rejection & Identity Book Two

Available now on Amazon and Kindle

Rejection & Identity Boo


       In this second edition of Rejection & Identity, Faith Living adventures into our misunderstanding of Rejection and highlights the overcoming lifestyle of Resistance, a stance that doesn’t simply push our enemy away from us so he can one day return to taunt us again, but completely removes his effectiveness in our world.

Using Resistance through our renewed Identity, we reflect the truly victorious lifestyle of Jesus, and once again return our world to the garden that Adam & Eve enjoyed.

Overcoming evil is our purpose and our last battle.  It shines through clearly in this revelation.



emotions slaves

I was up at 3 a.m, again at 5 a.m, and then finally at 7:30 a.m. I got up.  It was a busy night of dreaming.

In the first dream, I was a black man working undercover, smuggling black slaves out of a work camp in Africa. I hid one man in a shop vac with his face covered while I used the vac until the truck arrived.  When it did, I quickly unlatched the lid and we both scrambled into the truck which sped off to freedom. Continue reading SMUGGLING SLAVES TO FREEDOM – dreams




Rejection & Identity book

Father unfolded a mystery.  

In our attempt to get rid of evil and cut it from our lives, we use Rejection.   But it’s a spirit who lies.  It won’t restore anything.  It destroy’s identity, and leave’s us in chaos unable to make decisions.  We’re lost.  And we’re desperate for rightness .


This was the context of my latest in-depth conversation with God bringing new revelation about our Identity going back to the Garden of Eden.

In a nutshell, Rejection is not a good thing, not even when we use it toward evil.  It is not a tool that helps us progress closer to God.  It is not the pathway to peace and righteousness.  And secretly you knew Continue reading REJECTION & IDENTITY EBOOK ON KINDLE – $0.99




Jesus asked Peter “Who do they say that I am?”  And now Father was asking me, “Describe yourself to me.  Who are you?”  It was almost the same question.

Instantly, I remembered the visions of my gown, my crown, my accessories, and gifts.   But I still think of myself as an individual. And apparently, I see that individual loved and accessorized by Father God.  But not deserving of the same answer Peter had given Jesus.  “You are the Christ.”

The word Christ generally means anointed one, or chosen one. And of course, we often think of it as meaning ‘Messiah’. So, of course, I couldn’t envision myself as the Messiah. But I also don’t see myself as Anointed or Chosen.

Even though Jesus lives within me, I still struggle with Identity. My gown and my crown and accessories are unique and surprising. I’m still wrapping my mind around that appearance.

And now He wants to know how I see myself fully?   Continue reading WHO DO THEY SAY THAT I AM?

THE CASTLE, part two

vineyard-986938_960_720Anna pushed again and again but the gate didn’t budge.  With hands on her hips, she stepped back and surveyed the massive iron monstrosity.

Inviting sounds and smells were still wafting plentifully through the barrier.  So she stepped forward and began digging through the thick vines in an effort to see inside.  But when she moved one vine, another blocked her view.  The heavy tangle won it’s victory when it drew blood.

Standing back once more in frustration, she covered her wound and stared at the stubborn contraption.  It wasn’t fair after taking such risk, that she would be kept from the final goal simply by not being able to open the gate. Continue reading THE CASTLE, part two


That was the label I heard from Father when I asked about his feelings on the subject of Halloween.  He said it with a wry grin and then my morning of learning began.

Within this period of learning how to administer the Earth as a Son (Daughter) of God,  I was struck this morning with the advent of Halloween and what my position should be.  I didn’t know.  Eek!

Father insinuated that it was an impending storm, but he did it with that knowing grin and asked me how I had learned to deal with storms.

So I dragged out everything I’ve learned about handling storms. Continue reading THE IMPENDING STORM OF HALLOWEEN

I Was Given A Secret Financial Key

Several years ago my husband and I faced an epic financial disaster and the miraculous story of our survival spans the 2 year period following.  During that time on my face before Father, He shared some important tips.  One of them I would have never accepted from Him except under these circumstances.

I know that sounds bad, but it’s true.  I would have rebuked Him and treated Him like a demon at any other time.  But because all my barriers, all my rules, all my everything was laying on the floor Continue reading I Was Given A Secret Financial Key