Tag Archives: miracles



twisted road


At a random moment in May, my mind twirled itself into a knot about God.  My expanding understanding of Father’s presence within me had somehow “humanized” Him.  After all, if He is actually part of me and not living separate from me, then how does He remain divine?  How is He still omnipotent?  And what does that mean regarding the miracles I’ve experienced most of my life?  It seemed that the more I saw Him within me, the less miraculous He appeared.  Was He ordinary now?

Of course, that conclusion means my mind doesn’t have a miraculous perception of myself.  I’m still flawed with feet of clay, unable to fly.

Plus, I didn’t have time to contemplate this twist and talk it out with Him.  We had a family and friend event coming up at our home in mid-June and there were a multitude of projects to complete beforehand. So, while Hunny and I labored to finish building projects and landscaping, I put my dilemma on a shelf. Continue reading A STORY OF PERCEPTION AND DOUBT




Hunny had a dream in which God wore a plaid shirt and looked like Andy Griffith.  It was an oddball answer to a couple days of illness.  And I want to share it with you because I enjoy the way Father performs uniquely in our life.

Tremendous pain coaxed him to call me home from work but my Hunny wouldn’t concede because he’s a tough guy.   So upon my arrival, we began the process: vitamins, herbs, and prayer.  I tried to visualize him well, but it was a weak vision at best. Continue reading GOD WEARS A PLAID SHIRT


emotions slaves

I was up at 3 a.m, again at 5 a.m, and then finally at 7:30 a.m. I got up.  It was a busy night of dreaming.

In the first dream, I was a black man working undercover, smuggling black slaves out of a work camp in Africa. I hid one man in a shop vac with his face covered while I used the vac until the truck arrived.  When it did, I quickly unlatched the lid and we both scrambled into the truck which sped off to freedom. Continue reading SMUGGLING SLAVES TO FREEDOM – dreams


relax-1137240_960_720In a place of silence and peace, I can hear Father speaking to me and the conversation becomes very intimate.  That’s because He knows every thought I have, often better than I know myself.

Sometimes we humans have unacknowledged thoughts and reactions hidden in foggy imprints from the past.  These are impressions we never told anyone and barely noticed ourselves. Continue reading INTIMATE SECRETS