THE CASTLE – Part Four


“Anna, I understand more than you know.  I was murdered in return for my ideas.  But I’m alive again here with a crown on my head.  You have one too.” Lucius smiled in a twisty way that inferred he wasn’t the least bit unsettled by her frustration or her past.

Anna reached up and found the gold circle nestled there atop her head.  Her eyebrows shot upward in surprise as she took it down to study it.  The gold was polished to a bright sheen and a small citrine gem gleamed from it’s embedded spot in the front.

Her fingers delicately brushed over the surface and lingered on the jewel.  Suddenly tears welled up in her eyes and one hand went to cover her face as she appeared to melt under her emotions.

Lucius stepped forward and gently embraced her as she began to shudder.  “Anna, fear is very powerful.  It torments people into terrible reactions with horrible results.  Because of your courage, most of your neighbors and family are now mourning your loss.  They believe you are gone to them forever.”

As she sobbed, a soft breeze blew through the doorway ruffling her hair and skirts.  Another couple smiled meekly at Lucius and stepped carefully around them.

Slowly, Anna began to recover and wipe her cheeks.  Still holding the crown in her hand as though she didn’t know where it should go, Lucius took it from her and placed it on her head.

“It always sits here.  It’s part of you and displays your courage and your faith.” Lucius added kindly.

“Thank you.”  Anna almost whispered.  “But I’m not a queen.  I’m far from it.”

Lucius immediately smiled wide and squeezed her arms with his hands.  “Oh yes, you are a queen and much more.  You’ll see.  Come now, I think you are ready.”

He took her arm again and guided her to step through the threshold once more.

This time her foot gracefully took the next step on the marble floor and suddenly she was inside the great hall.

Holding her breath, amazement replaced her sorrow as she scanned the enormous ceilings with their elaborate frescoes.  Gilded chandeliers punctuated the grand display.

Women in fabulous gowns and men in fine tunics lingered casually on settees or gazed thoughtfully at magnificent paintings.  Doorways at each side gave entry to more rooms.  Each one with a glorious purpose.

One room held various musical instruments and three older men were playing a calming ballad.  Anna stopped a moment to appreciate their efforts and absorb the soothing effect.

The next room held shelves of books from floor to ceiling and two young girls lounged in easy chairs, absorbed in reading while a heavy-set man perused the tomes to the left.

Next, was a room bursting with awards, trophies, and medals grouped in specific categories.  A beautiful matron stroked a large gold cross medallion hanging among many others on the center wall.

Lucius lead her past rooms and hallways leading to other rooms and hallways. Anna thought it could take days to explore the whole building.

“There’s so much to see!”  She whispered to Lucius so as not to disturb others.

“Oh yes.  You could never visit every room or hallway, even if you spent your lifetime here, but some try.” He smiled. “There are many floors above us and much more below.  Each one has another level of experience.  Some say it’s never-ending.”  Lucius answered, pleased with his surroundings.  “But you are hungry, so lets go this way.”  He steered her to the right and down a hallway lined with small trees in large carved pots.

Anna began to see a common thread in the rooms and hallways.  Each one was occupied by skill.  They either housed the tools of a skill, or displayed the product of a skill, or taught a skill, or celebrated the achievements of a skill.  Oh, what a marvelous idea.  She longed to spend time within each of them, learning and creating similar treasures.

Suddenly, amazing smells wafted to her nose and her tummy responded by growling loudly.  Placing her hands on her belly to squelch the sound, Lucius chuckled at her as he lead her into a grand buffet room.  There were steaming dishes of gravy and vegetables, warm bread, and mountains of fresh strawberries and plums.

Music softly accompanied the smells and the fine guests mingling about each elaborately appointed table.  Lucius guided her to the end of one long table and invited her to sit in a carved, upholstered chair with carved arms and legs.

Immediately, a pretty girl with long brown curls, set a plate of veggies and fruit in front of her, along with a bowl of creamy dipping sauce.  On the other side of Anna, a tall red-headed man poured something pink and sparkling into her glass, and then moved on to sit at another table.

It was curious to be served by her apparent peers as though they were family.  Each one found their seat and the room grew quiet. Their kind, shining faces were turned toward Anna, as Lucius sat down next to her.

Her breath stalled in her chest again as Lucius lifted his crystal glass into the air with a look of eager delight.  “As you know, I have waited a long time for Anna to come.  And as you can see, the wait has been worth every moment.” He turned his glass toward Anna and with a beaming smile continued.  “To Anna!”

“To Anna!” they all shouted with great joy causing the crystals in the chandeliers to tremble.


The End

Experiences journeying with Father