Tag Archives: afraid

This Side of Heaven

“We won’t know all the answers this side of heaven” is ‘the phrase’ I’ve received all my life in answer to many of my questions.  As a child, I concluded that no one had permission to ask questions.  Questions about life received short, pert sentences that inferred threat if this line of communication was pursued.  Questions about christianity were worse.  They received ‘the phrase’.

I reasoned that everything about christianity was secret and guarded by a God with a mean countenance, grouching out severe warnings about never asking again.

Today children question parents and receive an almost break-neck effort to supply answers, or at least tools to search.  Fear of questioning seems gone and thank God it is, because quite often my generation is still delivering ‘the phrase’. Continue reading This Side of Heaven



no fears lurking

Sitting at home, safe & sound, didn’t prepare me for a journey into the unknown.  And the fears lurking out there on that journey could only be addressed as I met them.

One at a time, I had to continue to choose the journey and plow on through.  Each time discovering that fear has no power, except to lie to me.  And when I believed its lies, I stopped going forward.  I pulled back and stayed behind and became enslaved by my choice to fear. Continue reading FEARS LURKING ON A JOURNEY