I know it isn’t Easter exactly, but it is for me in many ways.

One of them is this website. It was in critical error for several months.

What does that mean? What the heck do I know? I mean really. I write. But the technology behind the writing? Well, I’m not a programmer, to say the least.

I had no clue how to fix it. So, I just kept paying for the domain… hoping one day I’d understand.

Today was that day! Something clicked. Something made sense. And here I am again clacking away on my keyboard.

But this isn’t my only recently resurrected thing.

Another is a health issue that had been plaguing me for several months. But the day came! Inspiration shone through the fog and I found my answer.

One more resurrection came too. An unexpected one. My desire to paint. It used to be a constant enjoyment some twenty years ago. Then it simply floated away.

The painting supplies and accouterments were still hidden deep in my closet and I was now contemplating giving it all away to someone who would use them. But suddenly, there it was again. Passion peeking around the corner. Beckoning me with its eyes. And I embraced it!

I set up my easel with a new canvas and began a new creation.

Oh, how my heart balloons with thankfulness now. I was so tired of the months of darkness, enduring one ugly battle after the next. It was as if I had jumped the wrong train somewhere and none of the stops lead to my home for such a long time.

So, here I am. Holding the most wonderful hand of the I AM. Encouraging you to endure. Even when you’re drowning. Keep believing somewhere deep in your soul that resurrection still exists. And that it will still come for you, even in the darkest of dark nights that seem to go on for so long.

You will shine again!



Faith Living Now on Facebook

8 thoughts on “IAM RESURRECTED…AGAIN!”

  1. Faith I love you!! Thank you!! I so needed this right now at this moment!! I too have kept feeling like I took the wrong train!!

    1. Yep. Just remember to keep checking the lens of your focus. It was quite a challenge for me. But when I did and made corrections…well, the benefits were almost immediately obvious.
      I love you, too!

  2. So good to hear from you once again. There are so many I’ve missed since I put Facebook in the rear view mirror, but Father has me focusing on things and people closer to home. And I’m good with that!!

    -Sandy Blakely

    1. It is certainly good to have our lens turned in such an important direction. And I agree. I’m good with that.
      It’s good to hear from you, Sandy. Stop by anytime 🙂

  3. I’m so thrilled you’ve resurrected!! And inso many ways…
    I feel so encouraged just to know you are still with us… it was such a long time ago that you posted the last writing.
    Blessings and hugs to you Faith!

    1. Yes, it has been quite a while. I don’t believe anything is purely accidental. So, it seemed there was a learning experience presenting itself and I needed to “go with it” while asking Father what he wanted me to gain from the experience. Thank you for waiting and for your previous message wondering if I was OK. Since I couldn’t get into the site, I couldn’t see your message either. But Father has equipped me now with a few more tools for the journey and I’m enjoying being able to enjoy some old ones too.

  4. Yay! Jesus is wonderful and I’m thankful for His goodness which brings about Arise and Shine in His people.

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