In A Moment, Life Changes

In a moment my life changed. It was instantaneous. In the blink of an eye.

Hunny was gone and that changed everything. All the big and the tiny details of our life were different now. And they would never be the same again. So, I couldn’t rely on old habits. Rather, new ones had to form.

My head spins at how quickly everything changed. How can that be so true? And yet, it is. All the time. Every day.

Why do we easily see things as permanent? It’s odd, really. Especially considering how transient life is on earth. Life envelopes changes constantly. Weather changes. Relationships change. Streets change. Nothing is ever exactly the same twice.

Some years ago, Hunny said to me, “One thing you can count on in life…is change.” And that profound little statement was as true then as it is today.

Now, within a week of Hunny’s departure, I was picking a date for the big party at our home which was his wish. It turned out to be a very nice gathering and Hunny, I know, was smiling widely. I felt him there, for sure.

It’s easy to miss him deeply and long to feel his arms around me again. So I close my eyes and let myself be enveloped in memories. It’s where I grieve my loss and celebrate his freedom together.

. . . . . . .

Yesterday, I watched a documentary and this comment was near the beginning. “We built an eco-system and discovered that trees inside would fall over easily after they’d grown. It was a lack of wind. Storms and strong winds cause roots to grow deep so trees can stand for years. “

It reminded me of the lesson from the Burl wood, an article I wrote some time ago. It is the most expensive wood in the world and it’s made from the trauma of disease or damage. The wood grows differently to accommodate the change…and not die from it.

This is the epitome of my new struggles in this new season. Fluctuating change from this wind will teach me to navigate my next chapter. So instead of wishing this struggle away, it would serve me well to embrace it and learn quickly from the lessons it brings.

This is my new territory and it will usher in new blessings and adventures after I learn from it’s struggles.

I will try to remember to embrace the change.

Thank you for sharing my journey.
