When I say “last” I mean there will be no more. I’m finished with this adventure. My body is clean. And I only have to heal once more.
It’s a little surreal to think back over the last 6 months and remember each painful and traumatic event. Things I endured that I would never wish on my most evil predator.

Questions linger in my mind about why modern medicine is still doing barbaric procedures they did 50 years ago. Why we are tormenting the ill? And who is concealing our breakthroughs and progress? This simply cannot be our best treatment of ourselves, can it? Is this truly what we have manifested as medicine?

I can’t present you with facts and figures, or history. This is purely just me… sharing the unexplainable ethereal revelations I experienced. And since I have lived a major section of life via spiritual revelations, I’ve come to trust them. Even when I don’t understand them, or know the facts and figures, they prove themselves. Something akin to intuition. A gift most people resist for many years until they begin to see the strains of truth seeping from each occurrence.

I know this sounds very conspiratorial but so be it. I’ve never been the recipient of intense medical attention and process before. I never knew how much traumatic pain is inflicted upon people in the name of healing. It never occurred to me because I’ve truly lived an amazingly charmed/blessed life in this regard.

Please don’t read this as accusatory toward the people who have dedicated their lives to this profession. I found them all to carry an amazing blend of empathy, skill, and sincerity. They work their butts off. But an enormous measure of their healing ability comes from their hearts, not their educations.

It felt like watching a huge machine turning and grinding out urgent busyness, all the while some sinister evil pulls the levers behind the scenes. Something no one knows or has control over. Everyone becomes its victim.

The irony to me is that Father asked me to surrender to this process trusting that he would not allow anything permanently destructive to happen to me. He wanted me to know there were other purposes. It wasn’t about getting me healed (something he can easily do without help).

I saw one of those other purposes quickly. It had to do with my love for others. My relationships. And it was beautiful!

But I didn’t see the bigger picture I’m sharing with you now…until very recently. When I began taking stock of all the experiences, one at a time.
I don’t know what the point is for me to know these things. I won’t be subjected to this journey again. But if I’m being made aware, then others are too. I’m never the only one. He lives and dwells in each of us and that IS Truth.

We are definitely at a time in our history in which we must pay close attention to the intricate way he leads and guides us. We can’t afford to ignore intuition. Or unexplainable revelations. We must stop second-guessing him. There is no evil in him. And it’s that unexplainable within us that is our greatest strength. It’s our strongest sword. Our surest protection shield. Even when we are completely helpless… even under anesthesia.

After surgery, one of my nurses paused, stared at me, and said, “Your face is glowing”.

I was still coming out of anesthesia so I mumbled, “What?” And she repeated what she’d said. I couldn’t formulate a response but I remember the moment now and wish I knew what she saw.

But I don’t need to chase her down to ask. I know. He is my everything no matter what.

You know that too.
