Category Archives: Faith Living Now

mystic christian




Father just reminded me to pay attention to what I’m thinking.

I know this is elementary but bear with me.  It’s not a long story.

It began yesterday when Hunny and I were running errands on one of the first particularly hot days of the year.  Suddenly the AC wasn’t working in the car, and I won’t go into details but after a couple hours, I was feeling too warm.  Hunny said, “I’ll call the shop on Monday and get it fixed.”  Meantime, we continued. Continue reading PAYING ATTENTION TO WHAT I’M THINKING




A few nights ago I got up and walked to the bathroom, past my digital clock which said it was 3 a.m.  When I went back to bed, I rolled onto my side where I noticed through the window that the motion light was shining on the fence outside.  And the clock now said 1 a.m!

I stared at the clock incredulously.  Since it’s a digital clock which displays the number one as a straight line, it’s highly improbable that I could mistake that straight line for a number three.

And what critter was on my property that caused the motion light to turn on?  There are a few feral cats in the neighborhood so, I didn’t think much about this detail. Continue reading TIME JUMPED BACKWARDS TWO HOURS



healing hands


It was that moment after her healing when she was thanking me for it. Her eyes were wide as she said, “You are GOOD” in an almost whisper.  Then she asked, “How did you learn to do that?”  And that was the moment.

I had a choice to make.  I could deflect her praise by using a kind of false humility and say, “It wasn’t me, it was God.”  Or I could say it the way it really is.

So, I said, “We can all do this.  It’s God, yes, and He is inside us.  If only we realize who we really are.  We are the only creation He made to follow Him and walk in His image.  And Jesus didn’t beg.  He spoke to it.” Continue reading I TOUCHED HER WITH HEALING





I had a dream about the aftermath of my battle with religion.

I was in an abandoned section of the house where I live. It was like an attached apartment. In the kitchen was a lot of canned and packaged food sitting on a big table inside the oversized pantry. A visitor came through, someone I knew, and he needed dinner for his family. I invited him to help himself and he chose 3 items that would make a complete meal for him and his family. He was pleased and I was happy that I could be generous.

After he left, I began going through the apartment shadow boxing evil entities as I saw them. I’d say out loud “Ka-pow! Ka-pow!” as I punched them. And they were cleared out one at a time. After they were gone, there was movement in the corner which I attributed to Angels and let them be. Continue reading SABBATICAL FROM THE BATTLE




IMAGINE your coronation to your throne inside The Kingdom.  The Bible mentions us being kings and priests before our God.  So wouldn’t that mean there was a moment of coronation?  And wouldn’t it probably be later in our relationship with Father and not at the beginning when we first believed?  Certainly, a newborn heir is considered royalty but is not yet a crowned monarch.

An heir is crowned when they have learned the techniques of ruling and reigning.  It has everything to do with maturity and availability.  And in The Kingdom of God, that ruling and reigning would logically encompass the ability to govern what is created.  Wouldn’t it? Jesus said that He does what He sees the Father doing.  So what does the Father do?  What are His capabilities?  Doesn’t He create and care for His creation? Continue reading YOUR CORONATION INTO THE KINGDOM



book revelations


Today I heard, “Check out those parables about The Kingdom is like …”.  So I did and the search began with Matthew 13.  This journey took on a meaning I’ve never heard before.  And here’s how it began.

First came the parable about the seed falling on various grounds.  And immediately my spirit said “The seed is truth.  The soil is people.”  So I went on.

Next, Jesus explains why He used parables so that everyone would NOT understand.  Yeah, I remember that revelation some time ago.  As we run around trying to make sure everyone understands exactly what scripture means, Jesus is saying not everyone will, and not only that, but He doesn’t WANT everyone to understand.  And the reason is simple.  We can’t have the wisdom of The Kingdom unless we are willing to have the relationship it takes to receive it.  We can’t piggy-back off anyone, not even a preacher.  It’s the meaning behind the oil the 5 wise virgins wouldn’t share. Continue reading THE REVELATION THAT BEGAN WITH MATTHEW 13




All creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God.  It is the one thing that will unequivocally change the way life on earth functions and display the qualities we so deeply desire.

No matter how godly this nation can become, it will never be The Kingdom of God on earth.  It will never be God’s expression of Himself on earth.  And our President can never lead us into that fullness.

Only we can do that by individually pursuing The Kingdom and our Continue reading ARE WE PRACTICING THE KINGDOM ON EARTH?


Have you ever noticed the wide field of trauma we experience and accept as a natural course of life?

Father told me some time ago to pay attention to it and keep it out of my realm where I have control and then ask Him to keep it out where I don’t have control. trauma


The core of Trauma is a demon who’s presence is destruction, decay, Continue reading SHOULD WE ACCEPT TRAUMA AS NATURAL?



How many times have I been asked, “can you back it up with scripture?”  And then I have to explain that I don’t require that from Father.  Whoa, that annoys them!

I’m completely aware that it’s been done this way for a hundred years, but like so many other traditions, Father eventually tips them over.  And then I stand in fear and amazement at what He’s done.

Some years ago, when Father showed me a new insight or revelation, I’d put my hand up and stop Him from going too far.  Looking back I think it was a horrible response.  But, He didn’t seem offended. He waited patiently while I scoured scriptures and commentaries for confirmation.  Only then could I embrace His gift and experience the thrill of receiving it.



hope and fear


On the way home from work one night, I had an intense encounter with hope and fear.

This trial and testing had begun with a horrible sound around my back right tire just as I was getting to work.  Nervously, I asked one of the guys to take a look but he saw nothing of concern.  So, I said, “Then I think it was slushy snow build-up in the wheel-well, clunking around.”

But for the evening, fear lurked just over my head, periodically interjecting his thoughts and torments.  I did my best to ignore him and hold on to my one hope.

Finally, at the end of my shift, I started the ignition and sat for a moment with Father.  I said, “Father, it’s You and me as usual.  And I’m asking that my car is perfect, and my ride home is without any unusual incidents.  You know my trust is completely on You, as always.”

After my little prayer and a deep, cleansing breath of peace, I slowly proceeded out of the parking lot and onto the road.  A half-moon peeked out of the clouds along the desolate countryside.   And I put on 2 pairs of gloves to handle the steering wheel in the 6-degree temps.   Smatterings of sand sprinkled the snow packed icy roads and I felt like I was holding my breath as I headed for home.

Thoughts of a broken-down vehicle in the deserted cold, night were frightening floating across my imagination.  Dangerous animals and even more dangerous humans crossed my mind accented by the fact that cell phone service sometimes cut out in the area.

Torment was doing a good job.  But even as he worked his terrible magic, I also remembered Joyce Meyer had said years ago.  “Do it afraid”.   And the words had stuck with me, like a mantra.  Every time I was up against fear and holding on to a slim thread of hope that Father would never let me down, I remembered those words.

Minutes seemed to take hours but finally, I pulled into my dry carport, safely.  It was one more time in the millions of times, that He’d cared for me.  He’d answered my request.  I arrived home, warm and toasty without a single variation of an incident along the way.  My wheels had not slipped on the ice, nor had the horrible sound come from the wheel-well.  Not even an animal had darted out from the side of the road.

I was safe and overcome with thankfulness.  Fear had played his hand and pulled the Torment card once again.  But also, once again I “did it afraid” and Father kept His promise to never leave me or forsake me.

Fear comes sometimes.   It taunts me sometimes with horrible unbelieving thoughts.  But I know where they are coming from.  And I know these are the moments of endurance where I hold on to one hope – HIM.

And it works.  Every time.


Thank you for sharing this journey with me.  Blessings on yours.
