In the dream I was demanding that someone tell me how to end evil, because I was tired of it running rampant in my world. I’m done with it, and it needs to be terminated.
Then I woke up and heard the horrible news from Orlando. And my question was still ringing in my ears.
As the hours clicked by and my heart began to calm, I stood in front of Father holding the question still in my hands. His eyes of Love penetrated my pain and began doing what they always do – healing. But the question was still there. Continue reading WILL WE END EVIL???→
Look who is on TOMORROW – June 7th!!
Faith Living aka Faith Rockrimmon chats with me on “Touched by Prayer”!
1 hour
Tomorrow night! June 7th!
There are gifts that were given to us by God. These gifts are for us to use freely. We can use them for God or not.
God doesn’t take away anything from us. He didn’t take away any gifts that satan had, so why would He take away ours. God is so giving that He lets us choose how we want to use it.
If we have supernatural gifts given us by why then have so many people refused to use them? Yet, witches and people involved in the occult have no problem using it all. This is why the church seems powerless.
My guest is Author Faith Living and she understands all too well about unlocking the gifts inside. Faith has decided that her relationship with God is filled with freedom and acceptance! She is done with shutting down the supernatural and she is here to help set you free too!
Tune in tomorrow, TUESDAY Night 7-8 pm EST as we go live! You can hear the interview at
Can we test the spirits of people who’ve died? I discovered its quite simple, but we are often held in unnecessary fear on this subject. I had quite a bit of it until Father pointed out that the fear was keeping me from experiencing Him without limits. I often asked Him not to scare me and He showed me that asking this was based on fear.
We are taught to “test the spirits” because “even the elect can be deceived” and the best “test” is a declaration of Lordship. Therefore we ask the question “Is Jesus your Lord?” and if a spirit won’t make that claim, then it’s an evil spirit, straight-forward and simple.
But wait a minute. Every day I meet tons of people in a public place. It’s my job and I’m not allowed to ask every person about their relationship with God. So how can I test the spirit? Continue reading TEST THE SPIRITS→
For 3 days, Prince’s song “Purple Rain” dropped into my head and played. I was sorry that Prince left the earth, and I assumed this was my spirit remembering him. But it occurred to me that he might be hovering in this dimension still. So in curiosity I asked, “Prince, is that you? If it is, tell me why you died”? Immediately I heard, “Because I was stupid. I didn’t know”. Continue reading PRINCE VISITS IN HIS “PURPLE RAIN”→
You know the manipulation that draws you into Offence and then accuses you of having a problem with Offence?
Yep, we’ve all been there. And to top it off some of us have had someone try to teach us how to do this, saying it’s biblical. Their reasoning involves scriptures out of context and motive out of Spirit.
Well, hallelujah, we’re learning and we’re doing it quickly. Holy Spirit is pouring Himself out all over the world and Manipulation is being exposed along with Offence and his brother Rejection. Every one of those ugly guys rub against Holy Spirit within us and we feel the prickling sensation shiver down our arms. Continue reading HANDLING FRIENDLY MANIPULATION→
I was taught that Curiosity was a bad thing and that I should never play with it. The teaching was backed up by plenty of scripture, but I sure couldn’t find anything to support it now.
This morning the snow falling on the cliffs in the distance curiously looked like fog as I drank my coffee and watched through the window. I had woken with the question, “Father, why did the Pharisees chose to be Pharisees”? Continue reading IS CURIOSITY GOOD?→
“Always agree. Never say “no” and don’t refuse anything he asks you.”
These were Father’s instructions to me for living with an alcoholic, and frankly I was appalled. So I paced back and forth in my empty living room and rubbed the back of my neck while imagining various impossible requests.
My parents unwittingly took me to find terror for the first time in my two-year-old life. I screamed, I clawed at Daddy begging him not to take me and he did what most Daddy’s would do. He slowed his pace and talked to me. He held me in his arms and reassured me. He coaxed me forward and reasoned with my fears. Gradually, bit by bit he got me down to the shores of Lake Erie. Continue reading WHAT HAS TERROR DONE?→