Category Archives: Faith Living Now

mystic christian


Father asked if I wanted to go higher into revelations of His Spirit.  When I answered ‘yes’, I immediately saw a glimpse of the result and felt such awe as though my heart lifted out of my body and floated into the sky.

Then He asked how I would share these experiences and of course I thought of writing.  It’s how I express myself.

He asked, ‘What if it’s higher than any words could ever describe?  Will you stop writing?’ Continue reading HEAVENLY HEIGHTS


I'm climbing


I’m climbing and it matters little what others might call me. As I claw at the dirt and rocks, I’m learning the best places to grab a handhold or position my foot.  Sometimes I clamber quickly and cause rolling scrabble and then I turn to watch it after I reach a plateau. Continue reading CALL ME WHATEVER, I’M CLIMBING!


I saw things last night. I saw the way it is becoming for us – for all the peoples of the earth.  We are becoming creatures of the spiritual AND the physical. (We always were, but we didn’t believe it).  We are morphing into beings that see in both places at once.  We are hearing with different ears and seeing with different eyes.  We can’t comprehend it, but it is happening all around us right now.

We know our neighbors opinion before we see him, but even more than that.  We know when to go visit because his attitude is good, and we know when to stay away because he’s in a bad mood. Continue reading WE ARE ALL EXPOSED!


Father said to me, “My people are Passionate.” And along with His words came illumination. I saw Passion birthing ‘the fantastic’. I saw a dream turning into reality through Passion.  I saw Passion lifting a car off a pinned child.  I saw Passion speaking the Spirit of Life into large groups of people.  I saw it walking across the country to honor a loved one.  I saw it refusing to let a husband die when he hadn’t breathed in many minutes.  I saw it healing, blessing, building.  It was like pouring the oil of Love into a bowl and touching a spark to it.

I could tell that Father loves Passion.  He sees Himself in our Passion because it is His characteristic. It is through His Passion we were brought to life. Passion changes everything.  It rotates fact at a molecular level and changes the results. We don’t ‘create’ passion. It is born of love. It is love with flames on!  We feel it burning deep in our chest like liquid fire.  It is life at a crescendo. Continue reading LET PASSION FLY


in the mirror


Father asked me to see love in the mirror.  And not only that but to love her the way that He does.

Oh, how I wanted to run away from this mirror and drink enough wine to vanquish the thought because I didn’t want to accept this woman as myself.  I didn’t want to love her as me.

I cringed, and I’m sorry that I did, but I did.  She is not the woman I still see in my head.  And she’s someone I never thought I’d ever become. I don’t know how she got here and why she took over my body!  And I’ve been so angry about it, and so discouraged.

So, I tried to beat her into submission and make her return to the woman she once was.  I tried.  I swear I really tried.  But she wouldn’t submit.  She just grew larger and older.  Continue reading LOVE IN THE MIRROR!


Someone I love said something cruel to me today and I didn’t respond.  I let them walk away and I didn’t run to a corner with a sob. I didn’t chase them down and confront them. Without emotion, I wondered if my heart was hard.  I wasn’t wounded and out of control.  But I also had no clue.  I said “Help me here, Jesus. Help me with this situation.”  He immediately gave me a message and a vision.

The message was “Ignore it.  Don’t give it attention.  Walk back into the relationship as though nothing ever happened, but see it this way.”  The vision was of a continued relationship in love without cruel, bad behavior.  The disappearance of bad behavior wasn’t the result of confrontation or discussion but because I didn’t believe in it.  It wasn’t Truth.  It wasn’t how Father created this person.  Therefore it was a LIE. So I called it a LIE and refused to accept it as part of them. Continue reading CRUEL, BAD BEHAVIOR


burl wood


Twisted chaos in trees results in something called burl wood.  It’s when a tree – any tree – has grown in a deformed manner.  It creates knots that are commonly found in the trunk or branches and comes from stress, injury, virus or fungus.  Sometimes burls grow underground attached to roots as a malignancy that’s not discovered until the tree dies and falls over.

Father said that He sees these anomalies in our own lives differently than we do.

Crisis and chaos cause injury, stress, and disease in us.  We scream out in pain wanting it to stop because we believe it will kill us. And sometimes it does, just as trees sometimes die from their injuries.

But it’s those that survive and heal in spite of the damage, that become burl wood.

The healing process doesn’t erase the damage, it encases it and changes the grain of our growth. The key is in the healing. It creates something that can be likened to burl wood.

Burl is prized for its beauty and rarity.  Furniture makers, artists, and sculptors seek it for its unique qualities of strength and resistance to splintering. And because of its value, there are many poachers in National Parks. Even when the tree dies, it lives on with more value than any other.

A few years ago, Father gave me a vision of a staircase made of burl that represented my life.  It’s an amazingly fabulous staircase whose cost would be prohibitive to build.  And that high cost is because of that wood.

Father used burl wood to create this staircase because He saw value from the way He healed me.   The damage and pain were not the victors in my story anymore. Not because I didn’t see some types of death. I did. But in spite of death, His healing worked to change the DNA of my heart. And, I survived.

When I was desperate to escape the pain and damage of my life, He told me to walk forward and heal.  He said He would heal me and make me hard in a way that would be strong and not splinter.

That’s the real essence of Overcoming.

We change into a hardness that is not unloving.  It’s just undamageable.  And there’s the difference.

We don’t actually die inside His resurrection power because nothing can kill something that keeps coming back to life.  And when we know this victorious dichotomy, it’s when we can stand before chaos and say “Do your worst because you won’t win.  Even if you kill me, I will rise again.”

I wanted to share this revelation because we often spend great amounts of time trying to erase the effects of the calamities in our lives.  We believe that perfection means without flaw.  We don’t realize that we are like burl wood.  It is the flaw itself when healed, that becomes the priceless pearl.

I believe He is saying “Stop spending so much time trying to erase them.  Let me make something extraordinarily beautiful from your wounds.  Let me!”








There might be a simple explanation for why the 5 wise virgins wouldn’t share the oil.  Let me explain what I mean.

When Jesus talked to the woman at the well about a personal relationship with God, He said,  “Regardless of whether you are in Jerusalem or on this mountain, if you do not seek the Father, then you do not worship.” That was in John 4.

He talked about it being personal but He didn’t try to talk anyone into it.  He didn’t find people on the street to ask if they know God so He could explain it to them.  And I don’t recall that He pursued people at all. Continue reading SORRY, THE OIL ISN’T FOR SHARING!

PRUNING FRIENDSHIPS (taking out the trash)

resinHere’s a topic that rears its head and usually elicits an “ewww” from me.

Yep, it means cutting away the people who suck the life out of you.  I have a huge problem with this regardless of the fact that many ministries have large teachings on it designed to help you know when and whom you should perform this surgery upon and thereby rid your life of them.

My problem is that it doesn’t sound like Christ.  It doesn’t look like His Love and the spirit of it promotes self over others.  When I look at Jesus, I see His reaction to the worst people as quite different. Continue reading PRUNING FRIENDSHIPS (taking out the trash)


There’s a huge difference in a question asked in sincerity and a question asked with a motive.  The first wants your honest input.  The second has an agenda to change your mind.

I’ve been on the receiving end of both types of questions and been the perpetrator of both.  It is common strategy throughout most religions.  Something I learned unwittingly.  But recently I’ve become keenly aware that I want nothing to do with the agenda-type.  It requires a mind of premeditated manipulation.  It has nothing of Grace and Love to share.  It’s like a closed box where no Light can shine inside.  Nothing Lives there.  It’s a stagnant pond without breath.  And I reject it now with prejudice. Continue reading QUESTIONS ???