I sat by the river of heaven today and dangled my feet in the water -while wearing my new shoes. Yep, I got some new shoes, and no, the water doesn’t damage them. And they’re gorgeous.
At first, I thought they were burgundy silk, but as they fit themselves to my feet, they came alive and morphed into magenta and then deep purple, and back again, depending on which way I turned. They massaged and caressed my feet as though I had laid them in a bed full of squirming kittens. Continue reading DANGLING MY FEET IN THE RIVER OF HEAVEN→
It’s true there are Christians who behave like bullies. Some bullies are not aware they are bullying. Other bullies are taught to be bullies by their churches and bible schools under the guise of debate.
One Christian brother told me that he learned debate techniques in a School of Ministry which practiced aggressively, combative techniques. “I sliced and diced with my tongue, winning all but one of those debates” he told me. Continue reading CHRISTIAN BULLIES ARE AMONG US→
In the dream I was demanding that someone tell me how to end evil, because I was tired of it running rampant in my world. I’m done with it, and it needs to be terminated.
Then I woke up and heard the horrible news from Orlando. And my question was still ringing in my ears.
As the hours clicked by and my heart began to calm, I stood in front of Father holding the question still in my hands. His eyes of Love penetrated my pain and began doing what they always do – healing. But the question was still there. Continue reading WILL WE END EVIL???→
Can we test the spirits of people who’ve died? I discovered its quite simple, but we are often held in unnecessary fear on this subject. I had quite a bit of it until Father pointed out that the fear was keeping me from experiencing Him without limits. I often asked Him not to scare me and He showed me that asking this was based on fear.
For 3 days, Prince’s song “Purple Rain” dropped into my head and played. I was sorry that Prince left the earth, and I assumed this was my spirit remembering him. But it occurred to me that he might be hovering in this dimension still. So in curiosity I asked, “Prince, is that you? If it is, tell me why you died”? Immediately I heard, “Because I was stupid. I didn’t know”. Continue reading PRINCE VISITS IN HIS “PURPLE RAIN”→
You know the manipulation that draws you into Offence and then accuses you of having a problem with Offence?
Yep, we’ve all been there. And to top it off some of us have had someone try to teach us how to do this, saying it’s biblical. Their reasoning involves scriptures out of context and motive out of Spirit.
Well, hallelujah, we’re learning and we’re doing it quickly. Holy Spirit is pouring Himself out all over the world and Manipulation is being exposed along with Offence and his brother Rejection. Every one of those ugly guys rub against Holy Spirit within us and we feel the prickling sensation shiver down our arms. Continue reading HANDLING FRIENDLY MANIPULATION→
“Always agree. Never say “no” and don’t refuse anything he asks you.”
These were Father’s instructions to me for living with an alcoholic, and frankly I was appalled. So I paced back and forth in my empty living room and rubbed the back of my neck while imagining various impossible requests.
My parents unwittingly took me to find terror for the first time in my two-year-old life. I screamed, I clawed at Daddy begging him not to take me and he did what most Daddy’s would do. He slowed his pace and talked to me. He held me in his arms and reassured me. He coaxed me forward and reasoned with my fears. Gradually, bit by bit he got me down to the shores of Lake Erie. Continue reading WHAT HAS TERROR DONE?→
I stood in the shower seething with anger and hatred almost as though it had jumped on me when I read the blog article by one of my friends, Praying Medic, “Learning to Love Your Abuser“.
He had described with much humility, how he felt anger and hatred sometimes toward abusive people, and that we need to learn to love them because it is their only cure. Continue reading ANGER & HATRED OVERFLOW→