Someone I love said something cruel to me today and I didn’t respond. I let them walk away and I didn’t run to a corner with a sob. I didn’t chase them down and confront them. Without emotion, I wondered if my heart was hard. I wasn’t wounded and out of control. But I also had no clue. I said “Help me here, Jesus. Help me with this situation.” He immediately gave me a message and a vision.
The message was “Ignore it. Don’t give it attention. Walk back into the relationship as though nothing ever happened, but see it this way.” The vision was of a continued relationship in love without cruel, bad behavior. The disappearance of bad behavior wasn’t the result of confrontation or discussion but because I didn’t believe in it. It wasn’t Truth. It wasn’t how Father created this person. Therefore it was a LIE. So I called it a LIE and refused to accept it as part of them.
In the past, my heart would have been broken and I would have sobbed for some time. During the sobs, I would have thought of cruel words regarding that person. I would have seen their inability to control their behavior and I would have heard words like: abusive, critical, controlling, and angry. I would have believed those words and said them to myself over and over. Sometimes I would have repeated the words to another person.
Now I could see my own behavior was creating more of the same bad behavior in them. I was creating. It is how Father made me. But I was creating contrary to His creation.
This time, I called it a LIE and refused its existence in this person. Not only that, but in the next opportunity for interaction, I continued our relationship as though it never happened. My heart was not hard, rather it was creative. It was a new outcome, a new response, a new possibility. I could still love.
Your comment might be “if we ignore bad behavior, it continues”. We believe the bad behavior is the truth. But I now understand that what I believe in my heart is the Truth. What Father created is the Truth and He did not create bad behavior. I believe this, and this is the Truth that changes fact. This is the Truth that creates healing, abundance, and answered prayer. I had asked for help and He had shown me Truth. My only responsibility was to believe and walk in it; to be a Son (Daughter) and do as I see my Father do.
What I believe is what I create. I can’t psyche myself up for this. I can’t rely on formulas of repeating scripture over and over. I can’t even have the concept myself aside from Him. He created it through His Spirit. And His Spirit is within me.
He created the vision and the message and I believed it. It didn’t have to make sense. It was a creation of the Spirit and I only had to embrace it. Then things would change.
THIS is the stuff that brings The Kingdom to Earth! Ask, receive and do what we see.
Have also done this many times. Peace, His perfect peace invades my soul.
Amen. That is so true. Thanks, Diana.
I had this same thing type of thing happen with my spouse last night. I recognized that I needed to step into and follow the ways of my Father too. I know that my unsaved spouse just doesn’t know who she is as a daughter, yet…I felt the hurt and then I over came the hurtful comments and then got creative in how I interacted with my spouse for the rest of the evening. But I had to wade through the yucky stuff first. You article is awesome, because if I would have first recognized the comment as a LIE I wouldn’t have had to feel the initial hurt. Thank you so much for the great insight. And thank you Jesus for this revelation today.
We all wade through yucky stuff. Thank you for your comments, Robert.
Thank you also for posting it on Praying Medic’s MeWe page!!
You’re welcome. Revelation blesses us all.