What are the results of our intentionality? I wondered.  So, a couple of years ago I joined a small group of friends to pray over some current events and look into our spirits for guidance. The whole point was to intentionally cause good outcomes for bad situations. But after a couple of sessions, I left the group. It didn’t feel right, and I didn’t know why.

Today I remembered that experience and still didn’t know why I’d been so uncomfortable. Trying to evaluate my response to no avail, I asked Father and then let it go.

Two minutes later, I saw a post on FB about the absolute importance of Love. Without it, all the best intentions of the world are pointless.

BAM! That was my answer. The group wasn’t working from inside the kind of Love that comes from Compassion. It’s the kind Jesus had for people. And I’ve experienced some marvelous miracles as a result of that same Compassion erupting inside me. But it lives inside my inner kingdom.

It isn’t a kind of Love that can be procured, manipulated, and used. Rather, it’s a spontaneous reaction from that place. And it feels like fire, like a flare shooting from the sun.

So, when I consider the intentionality that exists while looking in my inner kingdom, I understand why I haven’t had much effect on things that don’t touch my life personally.

If it doesn’t touch me, I can’t elicit Compassion from my kingdom. And I can’t force it. It’s not a decision I make. It’s Spirit like the wind and I don’t know which way it’s going to blow.

his kingdom

The Kingdom is a piece of His heart and everything in that place is slathered in His Love, His Compassionate heart. It’s power isn’t just a warm fuzzy kitten, but an earth-shaking roaring lion. And actions from that place are powerful.

Sure, we can change things in our world via simple intentionality. But it’s like a raindrop compared to His ocean.

Would it make a difference if I joined a group who knew their inner kingdom and understood it? Would we create fabulous changes in the world?

I don’t know if I can go there fully in the presence of others. There’s something profoundly personal there when I’m alone, in silence. Another person would simply be distracting no matter how slightly.

This was the problem I had with worship at church. Music is always beautiful and awesome, but the profound only happens when I’m alone in silence.

Maybe it’s because I’m a bit of an introvert. Or maybe it’s meant to be this way so we can’t agree together and use it like a spatula from the kitchen drawer. After all, our inner kingdom isn’t a tool. It’s a Being. And I honestly don’t think he likes being treated like a tool.

But this is my insight and it will most likely grow and evolve with time. It happens to all my insights. For now, this is my Truth. And it works.

Enjoy your own travels to the interior. I’d love to hear your insights if you share the gems you bring back.


4 thoughts on “OUR INTENTIONALITY”

  1. I always look forward to your thoughts i feel like i can relate in fact if i dont get them for a while im like Jesus I haven’t heard from her for a while and than like boom you are back. I am not sure you get my messages though . Celeste

  2. Yes! Without love, it – whatever we are doing – profits us nothing. And our precious Lord has set us up for success by pouring out His love into our hearts. Love carries power, wisdom, grace…it delights the Lord when we join with Him in this flow. Kingdom living is in this perfect love.

    Meditating on love blows my mind. I was created from it, and yet, It’s beyond all I can ask or think, and yet, I know this love intimately.

    Thank you! My heart sings just thinking upon it. I love this life!

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