

I hate finding my path filled with obstacles. That’s when I want to sit down and sigh. And wonder if it’s worth the struggle.

Well, that depends on the goal, of course. Obstacles pop up most of the time when we’re pursuing a dream. It isn’t all sunshine and butterflies on the way to completion. Continue reading THE PATH OF OBSTACLES


We are the walls and the gates of the new Jerusalem which have suffered abuse, been torn down, dismantled, burned in the fire, and damaged by the battle. We have suffered and we go to each other for repairs. We have the tools to repair ourselves and each other; for healing, deliverance, encouragement, wisdom, guidance.

Father pointed out to me that HE didn’t rebuild the walls of Jerusalem – the people did it. They did it from love. They did it through unity.


Research revealed that the work was theirs and each man repaired the piece of wall which stood in front of his own home. He used his hands, his back, and his energy to fix what was broken right in front of him.

I thought of the uniqueness of each man, causing the wall to be a tapestry of men’s hands and labor.

All are equal in their labor. Each one of vital importance.

We are pieces of the Wall, Gates, and Portals. Working to repair the damage in each other, to fix what’s broken, replace what’s missing, polish what’s tarnished – not to tear down.  Our goal is to build up and make strong, able to stand as a fortress, protection for the whole, not alone, but in unity, through love. We have the tools.

The day is coming and is close at hand when we will stand and see the City complete, firm and strong, functioning in all areas, shining in the Light of God, covering the Earth with His glory.


My Little Book Revealed

Recently, I ran across a little book I wrote 20 years ago which I had named “Sometimes God Works Backwards”.  It reopened some not-so-happy memories about a brother’s attempt to bring me in front of a group for reprimand.  That group was never convened because the others saw my story as a testimony, albeit extremely controversial one.  Therefore, they advised me to keep it to myself, and not share it further, which I have done. Continue reading My Little Book Revealed

YOU! – must write!


I watched the movie “The Book Thief”, which was about a girl in the middle of WWII who discovers the immeasurable value of words. And I considered Prophesy.  Prophesy is words.  Were there no prophecies to warn the people about that war?  Why did 6 million Jews and 10 million Christians die when our God of Miracles was very much alive?  What did the people miss?  And what’s to keep us from missing it again?

Then Father reminded me that escape from any catastrophe comes in believing and those who don’t believe find little opportunity for escape.  He reminded me of the hundreds of stories from that era.  They were stories of people who smuggled others out of Nazi Germany at risk of their own safety.  And stories of those who escaped in miraculous ways.  There were a million miracles during that time.  Therefore, I concluded, there were a million believers. Continue reading YOU! – must write!

Rippled Water




I turned to Jesus because my heart was breaking.  He came immediately and cupped my teary-eyed face in His hands and touched my cheeks with His lips.  Then He embraced me and nuzzled His face into my shoulder.  I could feel His breath against my neck, warm, comforting.

I breathed of Him deeply and asked, “Is there something wrong with me?  My heart is too fragile.”

He again held my face in His hands and looked into my eyes speaking in tongues which I didn’t understand. But it felt like He was instructing my spirit in a way that it would understand. Continue reading Rippled Water

The Scary Building



Years ago, I got a new job that required I walk through a scary building twice a day.  It was a security check. And it was part of my job.

Light bulbs had burned out in most of the building, so it was pitch black in the hallways.  I submitted an order for them to be changed but that took a few days.  In the meantime, I had to go through the building.

Friends said I should skip it until the lights were fixed.  But I was compelled to do my job correctly.  I didn’t want fear to victimize me.  So, I searched for comfort and protection through memorizing scripture.

I chose: “God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a strong mind” 2 Timothy 1:7. Continue reading The Scary Building



God made me to be a Blessing; not to stop someone else’s blessing, or to dish out justice – that’s His job. He made me to be a conduit here on the earth for Him to pass out Blessing to everyone He brings into my path.

Even with enemies (because not everyone will respect or even acknowledge Blessing) He said to turn the other cheek because only Blessing flows thru me, nothing else.

Blessing is like a river flowing in only one direction. It can’t flow in opposite directions or turn around depending on the reception it receives. If there is a blockage, the river keeps flowing until the blockage is flooded and sinks to the bottom; then the river continues, flowing forward, forward, forward. Continue reading GOD MADE US TO BE BLESSINGS

Spiritual Items Inventory


I’m taking inventory of the items I have acquired in my Heavenly travels. Mind you, none of these things were a goal for me. I did not set out to get them; primarily because I didn’t know they were available to me. But I’m mentioning them so you will know many things are available to you there. Scripture talks about rewards and weapons, but the connection hadn’t hit me until I saw these.

Gown (or Robe) – colors, design, and embellishments portray talents, gifts, strengths, work, authority, position Continue reading Spiritual Items Inventory

The Pink Light and Bubblegum Angel

I’m amazed at Heaven’s perfect prescriptions for whatever ails us here on Earth.  But even as I’m amazed I’m also beginning to understand this dynamic is the one that will bring Heaven into Earth through us because it creates a new kind of reliance; the perfect remedy every time we call.  Perfect answers will then become a habit, a natural response in a natural relationship.  Just as we pick up a fork to eat, we tap the resource to bring our answer. Continue reading The Pink Light and Bubblegum Angel

Simply Yummy Fruit

Fruit comes after the tree blooms. The petals then drop on the ground littering the grass and the remaining “kernel” begins to grow into fruit. Once mature it is harvested by people smelling its fragrance – which makes them hungry.

In the Bible, we are told to bear fruit after hearing the Word and letting it germinate within our heart.  We’ve been told that bearing fruit means bringing people to God, but think about this.  The tree does not harvest fruit from itself.  Nor does the tree grow people.  But rather the fruit is the result of the nutrients within the tree itself. Continue reading Simply Yummy Fruit

Experiences journeying with Father