Tag Archives: dreams




It was July 2nd, 2014, a warm peaceful morning, and I was enjoying sleeping a little longer than usual when the crows came and sat in the big tree outside my window.  It wasn’t a big deal except every one of them was crying at the top of their little lungs, which is surprisingly loud.  And I flinched and rolled over.  And then I jumped out of bed. “What the heck!?”  Then I waited patiently for them to disburse.  5 minutes, 10 minutes it continued.  “Oh, what in the world is going on?”

When I went to the window, I saw nothing strange.   There was only green grass, and a soft breeze.

So why were there crows screaming like they were having a raucous party in the loudest club downtown?  It felt like my nerves were being frayed one at a time as I pulled on my clothes and headed for a cuppa my favorite coffee. Continue reading HOLY CROWS!!!!