Tag Archives: Love of God


in the mirror


Father asked me to see love in the mirror.  And not only that but to love her the way that He does.

Oh, how I wanted to run away from this mirror and drink enough wine to vanquish the thought because I didn’t want to accept this woman as myself.  I didn’t want to love her as me.

I cringed, and I’m sorry that I did, but I did.  She is not the woman I still see in my head.  And she’s someone I never thought I’d ever become. I don’t know how she got here and why she took over my body!  And I’ve been so angry about it, and so discouraged.

So, I tried to beat her into submission and make her return to the woman she once was.  I tried.  I swear I really tried.  But she wouldn’t submit.  She just grew larger and older.  Continue reading LOVE IN THE MIRROR!

Hearing God’s Voice



Watching a show about hearing impairment opened my eyes to a spiritual reality.   Without hearing Father’s voice, we struggle through life misunderstanding context, meaning, and purpose much the same as a hearing-impaired person struggles.

The Cochlear implant device creates hearing and when the device is turned on for the first time, reactions are profound.  Sound conveys more than words.  It conveys heart.

We cannot convey heart inside written word alone.  Words are one-dimensional, emotionless and heartless.  We, as authors, search for ways to incorporate the missing emotion through descriptive words, but can never truly touch the depth of a sob, a sigh, or exhilaration expressed in a voice. Continue reading Hearing God’s Voice


I made a drawing of a staircase I saw in my imagination a few years ago.  It doesn’t do the staircase justice of course.  And that’s because it doesn’t reveal the silky medium caramel color of the wood with its swirling grain.  Or the carved and perfectly fitted parts.  A drawing can’t share how velvety the staircase is to touch or how inviting it is to a barefoot or tired bum.  And the drawing doesn’t have all the many cupboards, some secret, which create the fascinating journey upward.

But if I could take you inside my imagination, you’d see and understand how it might take a week to finally arrive at the top landing.  Not because it is so high, but because there’s a world inside each captivating crevasse and hidden compartment.  And you’d be drawn to recline in the seat and turn on the light.  There you’d lean back and read one of the books, or close your eyes and nap.  I imagine fairy tale worlds emerge in naps taken there. Continue reading THE MARVELOUS STAIRCASE