Tag Archives: relationship







There might be a simple explanation for why the 5 wise virgins wouldn’t share the oil.  Let me explain what I mean.

When Jesus talked to the woman at the well about a personal relationship with God, He said,  “Regardless of whether you are in Jerusalem or on this mountain, if you do not seek the Father, then you do not worship.” That was in John 4.

He talked about it being personal but He didn’t try to talk anyone into it.  He didn’t find people on the street to ask if they know God so He could explain it to them.  And I don’t recall that He pursued people at all. Continue reading SORRY, THE OIL ISN’T FOR SHARING!


Repeatedly I’ve come to the end of my formulas and doctrines and resorted to the step that never fails me. I cry out, “Help me, Jesus, help me!”.

And He always answers. Always. He has never ignored this cry. It seems similar to a cry King David often made, although not the exact words.

“I cry out to the Lord; I plead for the Lord’s mercy” Psalm 142:1  Continue reading MY SALVATION