Tag Archives: tithe


financial freedom


Yes, Father gave me a simple key to financial freedom by changing the way we handle our tithe.   It also changed our scrambling to pay for unexpected expenses and ending up in further debt.  No, we didn’t win the Lotto or gain an unexpected inheritance.  At the time, we were suffering financially and desperate.

Because we’d been financially faithful according to the teachings of most churches, we were sure the windows of heaven would open up.

But it didn’t happen.  Year after year it didn’t work.  Now in despair, it was time to let Father out of the box and listen only to Him.   He is a good Father and we simply don’t believe this is an example of His good plan. Continue reading SIMPLE KEY TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM

I Was Given A Secret Financial Key

Several years ago my husband and I faced an epic financial disaster and the miraculous story of our survival spans the 2 year period following.  During that time on my face before Father, He shared some important tips.  One of them I would have never accepted from Him except under these circumstances.

I know that sounds bad, but it’s true.  I would have rebuked Him and treated Him like a demon at any other time.  But because all my barriers, all my rules, all my everything was laying on the floor Continue reading I Was Given A Secret Financial Key