Category Archives: Uncategorized

PRUNING FRIENDSHIPS (taking out the trash)

Here’s a topic that rears its head and usually elicits an “ewww” from me.

Yep, it means cutting away the people who suck the life out of you.  I have a huge problem with this regardless of the fact that many ministries have large teachings on it designed to help you know when and whom you should perform this surgery upon and thereby rid your life of them. Continue reading PRUNING FRIENDSHIPS (taking out the trash)


Should I scrape up the money to spend on the brightest prophetic light in the church community for training school?  Sigh. Why is this issue such a conundrum for me?  I understand the cost of educating a bunch of people in your revelation.  What I don’t understand is me paying for it.  It’s not the easiest thing to scrape together that kind of money into a pile to give away for teaching.  That doesn’t mean I don’t want to do this desperately.  I want to belong to the crowd who got to participate in this life-changing, earth-shattering revelation. Continue reading REVELATION SCHOOL


The Apostles were able to raise the dead and heal the sick and even bodily transport instantly to other cities. Did you ever wonder how they could be martyred with that kind of power at their fingertips? Why would they not escape their enemy?

I asked Father this question. His answer was “Because they chose to. They knew their death willingly at the hand of their enemy was the only thing that would speak individually of Love to their enemy’s heart. Continue reading THE POWER THEY HAD



new maturity


Apparently,  I have new freedom as the result of some new maturing.  I have changed.  I don’t believe anymore that it’s necessary to search the past for the open doors to demonic damage.  For one thing, I don’t recall Jesus looking into anyone’s past before speaking their healing.  But just like most Christians involved in healing (emotional and physical) I’ve concentrated on doing it this way for a long time – seeking through the past to find all the open doors so I could close them.

My change began when I prayed for a situation after seeking all the open doors where damage had entered.  Later, I discovered that there were more and more open doors.  They went on and on, time after time, and there was never a completion. Continue reading NEW FREEDOMS OF MATURITY IN HEALING



God made me to be a Blessing; not to stop someone else’s blessing, or to dish out justice – that’s His job. He made me to be a conduit here on the earth for Him to pass out Blessing to everyone He brings into my path.

Even with enemies (because not everyone will respect or even acknowledge Blessing) He said to turn the other cheek because only Blessing flows thru me, nothing else.

Blessing is like a river flowing in only one direction. It can’t flow in opposite directions or turn around depending on the reception it receives. If there is a blockage, the river keeps flowing until the blockage is flooded and sinks to the bottom; then the river continues, flowing forward, forward, forward. Continue reading GOD MADE US TO BE BLESSINGS

The Pink Light and Bubblegum Angel

I’m amazed at Heaven’s perfect prescriptions for whatever ails us here on Earth.  But even as I’m amazed I’m also beginning to understand this dynamic is the one that will bring Heaven into Earth through us because it creates a new kind of reliance; the perfect remedy every time we call.  Perfect answers will then become a habit, a natural response in a natural relationship.  Just as we pick up a fork to eat, we tap the resource to bring our answer. Continue reading The Pink Light and Bubblegum Angel

Simply Yummy Fruit

Fruit comes after the tree blooms. The petals then drop on the ground littering the grass and the remaining “kernel” begins to grow into fruit. Once mature it is harvested by people smelling its fragrance – which makes them hungry.

In the Bible, we are told to bear fruit after hearing the Word and letting it germinate within our heart.  We’ve been told that bearing fruit means bringing people to God, but think about this.  The tree does not harvest fruit from itself.  Nor does the tree grow people.  But rather the fruit is the result of the nutrients within the tree itself. Continue reading Simply Yummy Fruit



Yep, it was an accident. We were looking for a new highway that had been built to cut across from I-70 to Central City, and when we saw the sign with an arrow to Central City, we went that way. It was strange that it was a gravel road, but maybe they didn’t have it completed at the bottom yet. However, after a mile, it was still gravel and getting narrower and progressively higher. Since it was now barely over one lane in width, I didn’t think I could turn around even though I came across a couple driveways. It seemed incomprehensible that there was much farther to go. Continue reading I WENT TO THE TOP OF A MOUNTAIN


oh Eternity, I can see you in my spirit

 I can almost taste your touch

 fresh and blowing softly

 across my nose

 I smell Life

 the smallest bud

 the biggest explosion

 caressing my skin

 lifting my hair;

 CLEARING away debris

 erasing all that’s wrong

 birthing the Light

 electrifying the night

 and setting a tingle

 and awaking Creation;


 I cry into the wind

 as my arms open embracing

 enveloping and welcoming

 your gentle, imploding warmth

 of new day.

Big, Ugly Sack

I see that huge, bungling sack I’ve been dragging along behind me.  I noticed it right after that last battle.  The battle I fought to travel 3000 miles to see a dying friend.  It was a loud, bloody, angry battle of fear, but, thankfully, an Angel with armor and a spear came to fight for me.  His presence reminded me of the great importance of this journey and prompted me to choose a forward march rather than retreat in the face of fear.  However, even after that battle was over I was vaguely aware there was more to the skirmish than met the eye.  I might not understand all the meaning until later.  And so pieces of Wisdom keep floating to the surface of my life and becoming unwrapped before my eyes.  Now here’s this. Continue reading Big, Ugly Sack