Tag Archives: trusting God


Father said to re-post a word from 2013.  He said “I am doing a new thing in the earth.”  And this Word is what he’s talking about.  He’s teaching many to rule and reign.  It happens from our Seat.

The world is waiting for us to sit on that Seat each day and do our job.  It is what changes the world and brings heaven to earth.

*** Continue reading HE’S DOING A NEW THING


I know it was a terrible trauma.  I know the wounds and scars are actually still bleeding profusely.  I know you still cry uncontrollably at times.

But, would you consider this for just a moment?  Would you consider that I know about abuse too, and that I’ve suffered greatly?  Would you consider my proposal if I shared my awful stories? Continue reading MAY I ASK YOU TO CONSIDER DROPPING IT?

Weapon’s grade

Please don’t tell me you’re mad at God and can’t speak to Him because He let Great Aunt Suzy die and she didn’t deserve it.  You can’t keep up this attitude or you’re going to die wrapped up in the same ignorance that let Aunt Suzy die.

God was talking to you from the moment you were conceived but you got too big for your britches and began ignoring Him.  He wanted to teach you how to win the temptations and trials you were going to face.  He wanted to show you how to whip some ugly butt.  He knows all the secrets of the universe.  He created it.  And He created you to learn the secrets – if you want to.  But He’ll never force you to spend time with Him, or listen to Him. Continue reading Weapon’s grade


Kings and queens will serve you and care for all your needs. They will bow to the earth before you and lick the dust from your feet. Then you will know that I am the LORD. Those who trust in me will never be put to shame.” (Isaiah 49:23)

This verse prompted me to say it out loud several times over the course of a couple of days period.  Then I saw it differently than I’ve ever seen it before. Continue reading KINGS WILL SERVE YOU!



new maturity


Apparently,  I have new freedom as the result of some new maturing.  I have changed.  I don’t believe anymore that it’s necessary to search the past for the open doors to demonic damage.  For one thing, I don’t recall Jesus looking into anyone’s past before speaking their healing.  But just like most Christians involved in healing (emotional and physical) I’ve concentrated on doing it this way for a long time – seeking through the past to find all the open doors so I could close them.

My change began when I prayed for a situation after seeking all the open doors where damage had entered.  Later, I discovered that there were more and more open doors.  They went on and on, time after time, and there was never a completion. Continue reading NEW FREEDOMS OF MATURITY IN HEALING