Contemplating last week, I could ask, is it sunrise, or a great explosion because a phenomenal Suddenly burst onto my somewhat weary journey.
I wasn’t looking for a Suddenly. Not at all. Instead, I was looking for plain and simple guidance to learn and grow from my rather terrible season. And it was coming toward me in abundance. Like in the comfort of a friend newly, and traumatically single. Or like in the Grace shown me by those who love me. Even governmental agencies seemed to go out of their way to assist me. It has truly been “the best of times and the worst of times”.
Now, on top of it all, a Suddenly bursts onto my scene and I’m slightly reeling with the effect of falling in love, or winning the lotto. I am in awe of Father’s sometimes flamboyant ways.
How odd that NOT looking for an escape, a solution, or a new opportunity sometimes seems to cause them to come. I know people who pursue them with great effort and diligence without ever seeing fruition. It makes one hesitant to share a story of good fortune because of the pleas from those who toil. They’re too heart-rending. “How’d you pray? What did you do differently? Please tell me how!”
So, I’m not going to share the what and how of my Suddenly right now. It seems profane and disrespectful to instantly began blathering it about. Things of considerable magnitude require some time of extreme Awe in appreciation of Father’s greatness and overwhelming Love. He deserves it and so much more.
Last week, or the week before, I heard Jordan B. Peterson say that most of the turmoil people cause themselves is because they haven’t asked themselves What they want. And then clearly answered that question.
So, I did that out loud to the room. “What do I want?” And it was a little tougher to articulate than I realized. Therefore, I had to take my time and bring every long string of sentence down to a kernel. When it was done, I said something like this: I want to keep my home and my family safe, intact, and wanting for nothing. I want Peace and Love and especially Joy in my life.
Afterward I got ready for bed, sat in the covers cozily, and thanked Father for already giving me all these things. They are within me…in him and in me…in us.
We…are great Joy.