Please don’t tell me you’re mad at God and can’t speak to Him because He let Great Aunt Suzy die and she didn’t deserve it. You can’t keep up this attitude or you’re going to die wrapped up in the same ignorance that let Aunt Suzy die.
God was talking to you from the moment you were conceived but you got too big for your britches and began ignoring Him. He wanted to teach you how to win the temptations and trials you were going to face. He wanted to show you how to whip some ugly butt. He knows all the secrets of the universe. He created it. And He created you to learn the secrets – if you want to. But He’ll never force you to spend time with Him, or listen to Him. Continue reading Weapon’s grade→
“We won’t know all the answers this side of heaven” is ‘the phrase’ I’ve received all my life in answer to many of my questions. As a child, I concluded that no one had permission to ask questions. Questions about life received short, pert sentences that inferred threat if this line of communication was pursued. Questions about christianity were worse. They received ‘the phrase’.
I reasoned that everything about christianity was secret and guarded by a God with a mean countenance, grouching out severe warnings about never asking again.
Today children question parents and receive an almost break-neck effort to supply answers, or at least tools to search. Fear of questioning seems gone and thank God it is, because quite often my generation is still delivering ‘the phrase’. Continue reading This Side of Heaven→
“Kings and queens will serve you and care for all your needs. They will bow to the earth before you and lick the dust from your feet. Then you will know that I am the LORD. Those who trust in me will never be put to shame.” (Isaiah 49:23)
This verse prompted me to say it out loud several times over the course of a couple of days period. Then I saw it differently than I’ve ever seen it before. Continue reading KINGS WILL SERVE YOU!→
In the last few days I’ve noticed posts despondent about the darkness, and prayers begging Light to rise up and win. The feeling is that these writers have taken a huge uppercut to the jaw of their faith. In asking Father to bring judgment to this issue, their battlefield then moved into the courtroom. While praying for Light to overcome the darkness, new avenues of freedom opened up for their opponent. None of this looked like victory and appeared to be a terrible defeat. Their hearts were broken and their faith was wounded but they continued down the same path. They see their prayers bounce off the ceiling bringing opposite results but still they hold on and pray even louder and longer.
Even though the answer to their prayers are happening right before their eyes, they don’t see it. As they proclaim the death of darkness and the advance of the Kingdom – it comes, but they would only perceive it if they took the glass they are looking through and flip it 180 degrees.
A young starling happened into our building at work and couldn’t find its way out. The building is like a huge warehouse with high rafters, no windows, and double doors through a low entryway. We had gone home at the end of the day, leaving him inside all night.
Next morning I pondered his predicament and asked other employees how to assist him to fly out. They said “Oh, don’t even think about it. It never works!” and they went about their jobs without another thought to the bird’s plight. Continue reading SAVING THE WILD BIRD→
[Something I learned from being married to an alcoholic who did not love me.]
Love doesn’t require reciprocation to live and to do it powerfully. Love is a force that is God, Himself. It is Power, itself. Love’s only source of life is to be part and parcel of God.
Love isn’t born because two people are attracted to each other. Love is born from God. And the more we relationship with God, the greater the Love we experience within ourselves.
It is our own wrong thinking that tells us our love will die if the other person doesn’t behave properly. The truth is that we get angry with the other and then choose to reject the love which is freely given to us from God. Continue reading LOVING MY ALCOHOLIC→
I’m seeing a shift in this new era. It’s a shift into a new level of maturity. Instructions are coming from the Father of Lights into each of our spirits and it’s speaking of a new level in the Power of Love.
I see all the ages of Man as steps of maturity after our Fall. We lost our Spirit connection and became reduced to mere flesh. But through the processes of time and Father’s careful guidance from baby to toddler, to adolescent, we came into youth and finally adulthood. At adulthood we reach new freedoms and new authorities, but we also reach greater responsibility. Continue reading SHIFT!!!→
As my family and I traveled on vacation in our motorhome, a friend called and said he needed my help on a job. It was nearby, so I agreed.
We arrived at the vacation home of Val Kilmer, his wife and many kids ( btw, I have no idea if Val Kilmer has a wife and many kids – lol!). I was a bit in awe of the celebrity and quite nervous about my job which seemed to have no real description other than “helping them”. They had just arrived and wanted to get settled into their home for a week or two but it was a mess from their last visit at Christmas time. No one had cleaned up afterward. There was cake sitting on the kitchen counter that was now like cement, and there were medicines on a shelf from someone’s old cold. Clothing and shoes were strewn on the floors and furniture. Continue reading DO WE really HELP anyone?→
As I headed down the hill to work, my heart was full of joy and I was surprised at the Grace I’ve been given in this new era.
My first trial at this job had been extreme foot pain from standing on concrete floors. But I found the perfect shoes in the first store I visited. Ahh, heaven on earth!
The next trial was long hours that were difficult to endure. I wondered how I would persevere then management asked if it was too much and quickly modified my schedule. Mmm, more heaven on earth! Continue reading SONS IN EVERYDAY→
Of my prophetic friends, I have a 50/50 chance of hearing such an announcement. But honestly what I hear is the computer on the bridge of the starship Enterprise.
Can you hear it? “Warning, Warning, Warning!” Yeah, ok, that’s a Trekkie thing. Ha. And I admit I absolutely loved that show along with all the movies and the sequel series. But I could continue to love it because I always knew the ‘warnings” meant complete destruction would somehow be overcome by the end of the hour through the genius of Captain Kirk, or Jean Luke Picard or Kathryn Janeway. Continue reading WARNING, WARNING, WARNING!!!→