Knowing My Prayer Is Answered

Before I see the results with my physical eyes, I can know my prayer is answered. I learned this a long time ago when Hunny was being an active alcoholic. I’d pray for his safety getting home, which was a real concern since I knew he’d be driving under the influence.

During one of those nights, which was many, I’d close my eyes and pray earnestly. “Please, Father, keep him safe.” And within moments, that sweet, soft Peace would seep into my heart, easing my worries. It was always such a quiet thing that I wouldn’t notice it if I was overly emotional. The noise of my emotions could block my awareness of it. And if I didn’t receive it, then I wouldn’t have it.

So, I mentally disciplined my emotions into silence like a crossing guard putting up my hand. Stop. They might not be gone, for sure, but they had to be silent in my head and heart. Similar to a hunter waiting inside a blind without a move or even a breath. Silence is key.

After asking Father, I sit quietly for a few moments without a word. Waiting. And when that sweet Peace enters my heart, it is always as good as a guarantee. I know that my answer is Yes and Amen.

Yesterday I used this technique when my attorney was unable to find a crucial document recording in court records. There was only one other possible location to look in. So, after hanging up, I asked Father to please help.

Then I sat in quiet, silencing my burgeoning emotions, and waited. Sure enough, it came. Such a sweet, sweet Peace. And I knew they’d find it in the new location. I could even see a brief vision of it. I knew.

This morning an email from my attorney confirmed they’d found it in the new location and would be processing it promptly.

My heart soared with thankfulness for Father’s ever-present faithfulness to never leave me alone.

Knowing is the difference between waiting in agony and waiting in confidence. The stress level healthy or not. But there is one other tiny key involved here. It’s that I can’t turn my head away from Peace when it enters. It’s so easy to do. I can’t miss its quiet entry and not even see it. Or I can ignore it by thinking it is nothing when it comes. And that is easy to do because Peace moves like a light fog, traveling silently onto a busy street.

I must be aware of its ever-so-subtle presence sliding into the atmosphere. Like a thief in the night. And when I see it, open the door wide.

Blessings today on your Peace. It is definitely a pearl of great price. Get it. Welcome it.
