Tag Archives: sons of God




IMAGINE your coronation to your throne inside The Kingdom.  The Bible mentions us being kings and priests before our God.  So wouldn’t that mean there was a moment of coronation?  And wouldn’t it probably be later in our relationship with Father and not at the beginning when we first believed?  Certainly, a newborn heir is considered royalty but is not yet a crowned monarch.

An heir is crowned when they have learned the techniques of ruling and reigning.  It has everything to do with maturity and availability.  And in The Kingdom of God, that ruling and reigning would logically encompass the ability to govern what is created.  Wouldn’t it? Jesus said that He does what He sees the Father doing.  So what does the Father do?  What are His capabilities?  Doesn’t He create and care for His creation? Continue reading YOUR CORONATION INTO THE KINGDOM


Prince's purple rain


For 3 days, Prince’s song “Purple Rain” dropped into my head and played. I was sorry that Prince left the earth, and I assumed this was my spirit remembering him.  But it occurred to me that he might be hovering in this dimension still.   So in curiosity I asked, “Prince, is that you? If it is, tell me why you died”? Immediately I heard, “Because I was stupid.  I didn’t know”. Continue reading PRINCE VISITS IN HIS “PURPLE RAIN”



My parents unwittingly took me to find terror for the first time in my two-year-old life.   I screamed, I clawed at Daddy begging him not to take me and he did what most Daddy’s would do. He slowed his pace and talked to me.  He held me in his arms and reassured me. He coaxed me forward and reasoned with my fears. Gradually, bit by bit he got me down to the shores of Lake Erie. Continue reading WHAT HAS TERROR DONE?


Father said to re-post a word from 2013.  He said “I am doing a new thing in the earth.”  And this Word is what he’s talking about.  He’s teaching many to rule and reign.  It happens from our Seat.

The world is waiting for us to sit on that Seat each day and do our job.  It is what changes the world and brings heaven to earth.

*** Continue reading HE’S DOING A NEW THING


That was the label I heard from Father when I asked about his feelings on the subject of Halloween.  He said it with a wry grin and then my morning of learning began.

Within this period of learning how to administer the Earth as a Son (Daughter) of God,  I was struck this morning with the advent of Halloween and what my position should be.  I didn’t know.  Eek!

Father insinuated that it was an impending storm, but he did it with that knowing grin and asked me how I had learned to deal with storms.

So I dragged out everything I’ve learned about handling storms. Continue reading THE IMPENDING STORM OF HALLOWEEN

Getting Healed By Goofy Methods

Today I’m sharing a funny, strange healing that happened to me a couple years ago.

It started with my husband getting the stomach flu.  It was awful. For one full day he threw-up and the next two days he was in bed wiped out.  We prayed and prayed for him and nothing happened.  It was a terrible experience and my heart broke to watch.

Then two days after my husband was healthy again, I was hit.  It came on like a ton of bricks and knocked me onto the bed holding my stomach, rocking back and forth in terrible pain. Continue reading Getting Healed By Goofy Methods


For several weeks . . . no, its been several years, Father has given me gleaming diamonds of insight into this issue using visions.

It all began with visions of a house.  I thought I was having fun imagining my dream home.  I didn’t know that Holy Spirit could hijack my ‘imaginer’ if I let him.  It’s an amazing experience.  But that’s for another blog article.

One of those early visions involved a staircase that would cost hundreds of stairs-932805_640thousands of dollars to build. Continue reading VISIONS OF FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE

I Was Given A Secret Financial Key

Several years ago my husband and I faced an epic financial disaster and the miraculous story of our survival spans the 2 year period following.  During that time on my face before Father, He shared some important tips.  One of them I would have never accepted from Him except under these circumstances.

I know that sounds bad, but it’s true.  I would have rebuked Him and treated Him like a demon at any other time.  But because all my barriers, all my rules, all my everything was laying on the floor Continue reading I Was Given A Secret Financial Key

“The Kingdom of Heaven at ROSE ROCK” by Faith Living.

Coming Soon!

This is ‘slightly in the future’ fiction about a homeless father and young son – invited by an Angel to step into ROSE ROCK, a community operating in ‘heaven on earth’ dynamics of supernatural proportions.

Estimated publish date after the 1st of the year 2016!


Riding the Blood Red Horse






I had a vision of riding a horse at breakneck speed as it galloped along the edge of a cliff without touching the ground. It was made from the blood of God and I was covered from head to toe in that blood which made holding my seat on his back very tricky. I’d slip and slide and nearly fell off several times. But gradually I learned the




rhythm and learned how to hold on so I could ride with this amazing horse as it flew into the future. On and on it went without end. When I asked Father God how long this would continue, he only said “Well, forever, or if you prefer, I will let you know if it will change”

I learned that this was a picture of how my life would be from here on out. And I can witness that it is true. Nothing about my life is normal anymore. I exist in the miraculous all the time, constantly flying above the ground. Continue reading Riding the Blood Red Horse