Here’s a small example of what I see in scripture these days.

Eph. 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Those heavenly places are not out there, somewhere external. (Not unless you’re going to the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. It’s truly heavenly.)

Jesus said the kingdom of God is within you and it’s the same place as the kingdom of Heaven. They are not two different places and it isn’t difficult to understand that all those heavenly places talked about in scripture, are within us.

It’s Divine understanding of scripture that is so amazingly simple the Pharisees couldn’t grasp it. Their minds were so full of a million details of law and theology that they didn’t know how to think simply anymore.

But Jesus said to come to him as a little child and that’s the perfect example of simplicity.

Therefore, this scripture is simply describing a battle going on within us. Those Principalities we fear so much are simply sinister religious theology’s that rule over our thinking processes. And the Powers they exude are their inherent threats of losing our souls or becoming separated from God. They have become Rulers over our hearts with a darkness that’s unique to each age or generation. The flavor of darkness changes from generation to generation. Plus, there are so many Ruling doctrines ingrained into our minds that the verse describes them as “spiritual hosts of wickedness”. They hold us captive, unable to see and enjoy our own heavenly places within.

my own Principality

An example of one of these battles in my life was when I got the book “Pagan Christianity” by Frank Viola and George Barna. I was so afraid to read it that it sat on my desk for 2 weeks. And when I finally cracked it open, the fear inside was nearly overwhelming.

I sensed that the authors had uncovered a boatload of pagan rituals embedded in the common Christian church and I knew it would forever change how I saw Christianity.

That was one of the strongest Principalities I’ve ever battled. How would I hold on to God if Christianity was laying in a crumpled heap at my feet?

Well, that was only one of a host of wicked Rulers I’d been taught by church. And it has taken several years to de-throne them one by one. I’m pretty sure there are still a few more, hiding in the corners of my mind, but they’ll get exorcized one by one as Father reveals them to me. That’s when the Truth sets me free.

Thankfully, I discovered quickly that I wasn’t going to Hell for de-throning them. God was not only still with me, but it was like each one was a veil between me and Him. And as they came down, I saw Him clearer and our relationship grew deeper.

He assured me very personally, that He would NEVER leave me.

Thank you for sharing this tidbit of my journey. Blessings on your journey to freedom.
