


There’s a place inside me that feels like a big WOOHOO!  The general vicinity is near my heart, or maybe my belly, sort-of behind my lungs?  Hmm, it’s hard to pinpoint it, but it has this warm glow that sits there and hums.  Lol.  Sometimes it flares up a little and that’s when I wanna go dance in the street, or climb up on the roof, or something equally as crazy that I probably won’t do.

Anyway, this place, this thing, this warm spot has some kind of complete perfection about it.  Inside it, if I claim it and BE part of it, is full.  Absolutely full.  There isn’t one tiny piece of this thing that wants for anything.  It has everything.  As a matter-of-fact, its so complete that it’s “abundant” sort-of like an orchard in full fruit, or my Christmas cactus when it’s in full bloom.  In some ways, I can stand back and look at it and think “Wow, that’s almost too much!”  But I’d never say that!  Lol.

I wanted to tell you about this spot because it’s where I get everything I need or want.  If I stand right there until I start feeling all full like it already is, then I can say things like “I have the money for that”, or “My body feels like this”, or “That’s already mine”.  It’s a spontaneous sort of speaking that I don’t plan beforehand.  I just let it bubble till the words pop into my head.  And then I say them without thinking it over.

It’s not something to consider, or rationalize because it rarely makes any sense at all.  There isn’t any logic or planning.  And it certainly isn’t any kind of formula cause those words the bubble can sometimes be purely crazy sounding.  They often don’t report the circumstances as they appear on the surface.  Not at all, in fact.

That place has its own LIFE force and doesn’t require me to feed it anything. Even my attention to it doesn’t subtract from its existence.  I can ignore it all my life, or be completely unaware of what it does, but that doesn’t matter.  It still lives.

But something inside my heart knew it was there.  I couldn’t explain it to anyone and generally, it felt like it’s functioning in my favor was purely accidental.  I’d somehow touch it, or feel it in a certain way and then I’d be able to benefit from it.  But I still can’t sit down and list for you all the conditions in which I find myself there.

However, it’s a little like I think biofeedback works in that the more I find myself there, the easier it is for me to go there on purpose.  Only because I know that feeling now.  So most of the time I can close my eyes (if it’s quiet around me), and then I can touch it or stand inside it.

It feels better than anything to stand inside it.  That warm vibration fills me up.  Oh, I think I said that already. Lol.

So, anyway, this is the place where I think God lives.  It’s also the place where I think My Kingdom exists.

If you haven’t found it then I’d love to tell you “Go down this path and turn right, then when you see the thing, stop there and wait”.  But He can’t be found that way. And He certainly can’t be found by someone else taking your hand and leading you there.  No one else can go to this place inside me.  Only me.  And I find it mostly by going toward that warmth that vibrates.  It’s the best description I can conjure up.

However, I hope you go because this is where all that Kingdom stuff Jesus talked about lives.  And I recommend it more than even Mexican food, and I love Mexican food. Lol.

Blessings on your journey.


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