It’s very hard for some people to believe that I actually live inside a perfect bubble which I call my kingdom.  And anyone might think, well it’s just perfect for me but maybe not for them.  OK.  But, it really is perfect to me and the more I tell it how perfect it is, the more perfection develops.  It’s pretty amazing, to watch perfection become even more perfection.

Plus, I’ve never had a perfect life before so I’m extremely grateful and full of thankfulness.  This is an awesome way to live in my opinion.  I wish I’d understood it a long time ago.

I may not have millions of dollars, or a mansion, or such…at the moment.  But I have a family that’s happy and healthy, a home that makes me smile from ear to ear, and a computer with all the needed accessories to write.  I also have the finances, health, and means to take a trip now and then.  But more than all of those: I see Father’s Kingdom on earth right before my eyes.  A paradise of peace and beauty without hardship, turmoil, or chaos.

It isn’t because of what I’ve done unless you include how I’ve learned to agree with Father and His perfection.  

But how can anything be perfect in this fallen world?

Well, The Kingdom doesn’t live inside a fallen world.  It lives inside of me and you.  Each of us has our own piece of that miraculous pie at our fingertips.  It is where Father’s presence lives as One being with me.  It’s that place in me where we are never separated and can never be separated.

There’s a whole lot of topics that come out of this one subject.  But I’m only going to address one.  How can I actually live in perfection here on earth?  It seems completely impossible.

But it’s not.  It’s why Jesus kept bringing it up over and over.  The Kingdom is the solution.  For everything.

It’s why Jesus didn’t actually address any long speeches about the government over Israel during His time on earth.  That had nothing to do with living in perfect paradise.  It’s why He didn’t really address any particular sorts of lifestyles either, except The Kingdom.  Every concern we have in our existence here on earth, are answered inside The Kingdom.

Father called my piece of that Kingdom, my kingdom.  It’s like a bubble I live inside that overlaps other people’s bubbles.  And it’s that overlapping that causes Father’s Kingdom to cover the earth.

It’s a perfect place.  Nothing evil lives inside it.  Nothing unrighteous exists.  There are no tears, no sickness, and no night.  It is perfect every moment of the day.

I don’t have this tightly wrapped up in a nice neat package that I can unroll for you step by step.  Mostly because I’m still learning how it all works.  And so I can only share what has unfolded for me so far.

A friend asked a question. What should we do with people who aren’t nice? How can we share the love of God without subjecting ourselves to their cruelty?  How can we prevent being taken advantage of?

My answer was to describe living in my kingdom bubble.  From my Seat next to Jesus I declare that “Only love and peace exist in my kingdom”.  And the way it came out, it was a kind of declaration that a royal makes from a throne.  For instance: “From now on, there will only be joy in this kingdom.  Never again will there be unhappiness.”

Granted, I’ve never heard of a royal making that kind of a declaration.  That would be considered ridiculous because they don’t have the power to make those kinds of things happen.  But Father does.  And He has given me a Seat and a kingdom of my own to rule and reign.  So, everything in my kingdom bends to me like I am the royal ruler.  I simply had to begin behaving like a royal in order to see it.  I also had to learn what exactly comprised my kingdom.

Once that was accomplished, I learned how to make appropriate declarations.  And that happened under Jesus’s guidance.  That’s why He sits next to us.  I discuss everything with Him.  He is my only adviser because He’s the only one who knows exactly how it’s done, and he knows everything about everything,   He also knows how the results will play out.

So, after I made my declaration of only peace and love in my kingdom, a few things changed.  For example, I’d show up for my shift at work and a coworker would tell me about a very disagreeable customer experience that happened just before I arrived.  Several times my coworker would point to someone in the parking lot, “See that guy.  It was him.”

In the past, I would say something like, “Boy, I hope he doesn’t come back.”  Or “I hope it’s not going to be one of those days.”  But now I saw myself as a ruler over my kingdom and I said, “Well, that’s over.  No more of that will be happening while I’m here.”

I got a few chuckles from everyone, but it worked every time.

Unpleasant, cruel, and troubled people would leave the building just before I arrived.  I’d hear about them afterward.  And arguments ended the moment I walked in.

So, I asked Father about this strange phenomenon and He said, “People and attitudes vibrate on different levels.  The lower levels repel the higher levels and visa-versa.  When people are uncomfortable, they leave their surroundings.  You are vibrating an energy that repels people existing on levels of chaos and turmoil.  They simply feel uncomfortable in your atmosphere and without knowing why they leave.”

OK.  I accepted that and began enjoying my protected bubble of existence.  It was quite miraculous.

The space around me is part of my kingdom and anything entering that space enters my realm.  Their rulership abilities in their kingdom might be extremely chaotic or even evil, but it has no power to change what I have declared to be true in my kingdom.

For example: When a monarch has a visitor to his/her kingdom, the visitor has no authority to bring war or violence into this kingdom.  It isn’t theirs.  And if they tried, they’d be expelled hastily.  Not because they don’t have a right to exist and exercise their authority in their own kingdom.  But because they have no authority in this one.

It has nothing to do with arrogance.  It’s simply a matter of space.  You don’t own my space.  I don’t own yours.

Rulership is not arrogance.  As a matter of fact, arrogance will create a very weak ruler who will not rule and reign appropriately, or with good results.  They can even end up being killed or overthrown by the same evil they practice.

This is another reason that Jesus sits next to me and you.  He demonstrates wise, sound ruler-ship for me to copy.  It’s why Jesus kept saying that He does what He sees His Father doing.  It’s how The Kingdom operates righteously.

I have a problem with the authority in churches and the belief that they are my spiritual leaders.  That hierarchy dethrones Jesus and His position next to me in my Seat.  It places a third person in the middle, or four or five.  And the way most believers see pastors and preachers, there are a whole lot of people sitting between them and Jesus.  That was never Father’s intent.

Having anyone sitting between me and Jesus simply waters down the effectiveness of that relationship until it becomes only a figurehead without power.

Since Father began taking me down this path and Jesus began instructing me, I’ve seen the power and the effect in my kingdom.  Therefore, I’m simply not open to return to the old doctrines.  Why would I?  He’s proven this to me over and over.

So, Jesus and I sit in our Seats next to each other, ruling and reigning over this kingdom.  He advises me and I follow His lead.  Then I make declarations based on His example of perfect righteousness and watch unrighteousness repelled before it even arrives.

As a  result, I don’t worry about politics messing up my world.  It has no authority in my kingdom.  Regardless of what it does, my kingdom will remain righteous and perfect.  I said so and He covers me. Political powers can’t change that and even if they try, I’ll come out on top, still living in my kingdom of perfect love and peace.  Still repelling evil.

One of my biggest questions to Father was about the Apostle’s martyrdom’s.  It certainly appears at first glance, that they were victims of the civil government in control of the land at the time.  Certainly they understood these same principles of The Kingdom, so how could they be caught, imprisoned, and killed?

He said, “Only because they chose to allow it.”

Well then that means that just like Jesus, they had the option to call a thousand angels to save them.  They could have walked through the soldiers grasps invisibly.  Or they could have translated to other cities.  

They had a million ways to overcome each situation because of their understanding.  But they chose not to do so.  At least not at the specific time of their death.  So, why would they choose martyrdom?  And why would John allow himself to be in exile on Patmos?

I have come to conclude that each one made that decision based on their own personal identity and desires.  Assuming that every person will leave this earth either by death or by walking into heaven, they didn’t leave their type of exit to chance or fate.  Each one chose their way.  Possibly based on the biggest bang to the throngs of souls watching.  What would express the greatest message to them?

But that is another topic.  The bottom line is that no one who understands The Kingdom is a victim to anything mankind or the earth can produce.  Father God put no power or authority over Himself.  He is the Creator of all.  And He lives and dwells within us.  His plan of existence for us is in The Kingdom.  It is the perfect way.  It is why Jesus preached it all the time.

THIS is the good news!

Blessings on your journey to ruler-ship.
