There’s a quality of The Kingdom that answers all my wants and needs.  I know how fantastical that sounds.  But it’s simply true.

Most of my life I’ve struggled to get prayers answered, just like many of my believing friends.  We prayed for everything at church every week but the answers were often about learning the grace to accept things the way they are.  And sometimes, after years of praying, we saw a few actually answered.

This didn’t make sense to me.  It wasn’t how things happened for Jesus.  So, part of my searching has been to understand what we were always missing and change it.

It’s been a lot of years since those first steps into openly searching.  And I can’t say that everything I’ve looked into was either helpful or forward moving.  But it’s like anything else we search out.  No stone can be left unturned.

It’s only been a few short years since I asked Father to see and understand The Kingdom more practically.  After all, it was the one thing Jesus talked about all the time, and regarding every circumstance.  So, it was my next topic of pursuit.

Turning over those stones involved a lot of little flash visions.  Beginning with the ones which showed me who I really was, then moving into what that really means practically in this world.

That’s when I began seeing the purpose of The Kingdom and how it actually functions inside of us.  It actually comprises the whole of everything in our heart.  Everything we love, everyone we love, and every situation that touches our life.  THAT is our kingdom.

Next, I learned why seeing it was important.  I learned that no person has authority over another person and each one has their own inherent kingdom.  We overlap each other and that is how The Kingdom covers the earth.

After that, I learned about my needs and wants.  The way faith works in The Kingdom, is not like a genie in a bottle.  We can’t just think of the thing we want and then chant some words while rubbing a bottle.  It’s about the relationship we have with Father God.  And it’s about Spirit.  Those two things are the main focus in living and breathing The Kingdom Within into this world outside.  That is where it all begins.

The earth and our outside life didn’t come first and then we learned about Father God and The Kingdom.  Father God created The Kingdom first and everything else came from there.  But remember The Kingdom is within us.  So, that’s a bit of a mind-boggling structure a lot like the chicken and the egg.

Anyway, The Kingdom is where all my needs and wants are met.  And the supply is complete and full.  There is no settling for the grace to live with imperfection.

For instance,  a couple weeks ago a new family moved in next door with a couple young kids.  Then more kids came to stay.  And the noise level in my paradise went from 0 to 100 in a few seconds.

Children are a gift and a blessing.  But they are simply not conducive to the peace I need for writing or the silence I want for my time with Father.  And my whole inner atmosphere went into shock.  I seriously didn’t know what to do.

Hunny’s answer was to begin house hunting and that’s what we did for several days.  Until the middle of one night when I woke up and I heard a resounding “No”.  I had asked Father for the solution and He’d said, “I always supply a way of escape.”  So, I thought to move away was the escape.  But apparently, there are other ways.

I considered my kingdom declarations of peace, righteousness, and joy which has maintained for 4 years.  But because I was in shock, I couldn’t think of what else to declare.  So, I kept asking Father to help me, to guide me in this new and unexpected conundrum.  

No” was all.  It was a spirit thing that I could never perform in my mind.  Plus, it had more than one nuance to its declaration.  It was a simple but firm refusal to accept intrusion into the peace, righteousness, and joy I’ve been enjoying.

How will it work?  Will it change me and how I hear noise?  Or will it change the children to be quieter?

I have no idea.  Lol.

Yes, I know some of you are expecting a solid way of solution that can be taken and used again.  But that also, isn’t how The Kingdom works.  We can hear the stories about each other’s victories, but they are unique, individual results performed in The Kingdom by His Spirit.  And I’ve learned that He rarely does the same exact thing in the same exact way, twice.  It’s always unique.  And it’s always unexpected.  That is just simply who He is as a Being.  He doesn’t like to be predictable.  Neither do we.

I don’t like it when someone, even Hunny, thinks they know exactly what I’m going to do every single time.  So, I like to mix it up and be unique.  Apparently, He likes that too.

In the morning after the “No”, I realized that something in the atmosphere has changed.  There is an almost deafening sound of peace.  And it isn’t small “p”.  It’s actually all Caps.  Lol.  That’s the best way I can describe how it feels now.

I have no clue how the situation has been resolved.  I just know that it has.

And my slight temptation is to study it and figure out how Spirit is going to perform.  But I’m walking away from that temptation.  All I need to do, is accept it, enjoy it, and go back to writing and spending time with Father.

The spontaneity and unique display of His character are two of the most fascinating qualities of walking with Him as a constant companion.  He’s never boring, and He’s always extremely interesting.  

I truly love living in this Kingdom that He fashioned for me.

I hope you are enjoying yours too.



  1. Dear Faith Living-
    The way you describe the kingdon- where Love is- is perfect. No quick answer, no quick fix- dig, walk, seek and find.
    Perfect and challenging answer.
    Thank you

  2. I really appreciate your peaceable manner of speaking. I can feel it ooze from the pores of your words. And your content is welcome to a weary soul. Thank you.

  3. Would you say you’ve had more prayers answered? Have you seen any changes in the people that you love on in The Kingdom? Thanks.

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